Z – Zoo # A – Z Challenge

Zoo are a great part of traveling to me. Visiting other countries or areas and seeing new animals for the first time. I am never disappointed as they come in all shapes and sizes. My latest favourite animal to meet in a zoo were housed in the Arctic Tundra section of Toronto Zoo. It was winter so they were at home in the cold weather  and needed no special cooling unlike the polar bears in Australia.

Arctic Fox

Henry 1 yr old Polar Bear

Henry 1 yr old Polar Bear

Arctic Wolf


I love to go to a zoo

To get up close and view

The local animals —big and small

As they live their life behind the wall

Happy with the food on the menu

10 thoughts on “Z – Zoo # A – Z Challenge

  1. Will you start your alphabet again? I was really expecting Y stands for Yowie, but I suppose that you can’t have everything! It’s a really good idea though.

    • I don’t know anything about Yowies. This is a formal challenge for blogs across all blogging platforms e.g Blogger, WordPress etc held every April. It was fun to do and makes you think about how to do A_Z that blends with your blog. I will do it again next year and in between look out for material.

  2. Hi, thanks for entertaining and educating me this month. I’m carrying on following everyone who I followed for the challenge, so hopefully we’ll chat again soon. All the very best 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for participating in the A to Z Challenge! You rock! Congrats on getting to the letter Z! Reminder: there will be an A to Z Reflections round on May 4th. There will be a Linky for it on the main blog, so please look for it there! Please post your reflections on the challenge, visit others, and catch up on the blogs you didn’t have time to read!

    Team Macha, Helping Co-Host Zalka
    Maui Jungalow

  4. It has been forever since I’ve been to a zoo. I think that I have planned to go back to a zoo every summer for the past eight years, but I have not.

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