My father taught me an important rule of building is to measure twice, cut once. If you only measure once before you cut and your measurement is wrong there is no going back. As you can edit after publishing, this is not the same with blogging, however, I find that write twice, publish once helps with my writers block and assists the flow of my blog.
By writing on the topic from scratch each time, my creativity often flows in a different direction. There are always some key points that to my surprise, I frequently by chance write identical sentences to cover these topics. This information I take as the core to my topic and build the other ideas from each writing session to complete my blog.
To date, I have found the second attempt to be more creative and fills in the detail. This practice works best when there is a couple of days between writing segments. Don’t read what you have written prior to writing your second draft. Re reading your previous attempt may stop new ideas from flowing as your mind is biased by your words.
Next time you find yourself stuck, give my write twice, publish once technique a try and let me know about your experience.
I wish I now garnered that patience, as today my post on The love that confronts us was linked incorrectly and my posts are so long.. sigh… and I make peace with it. There is so much I have to say. I finally figured out how to follow you though, since you are not on wordpress like the rest of us.. or i don’t know.. but I know you are connected somehow. My best four legged friend is named Max so I wanted to follow you after you supported me. I’m still finding my way around and also, I know I need a host site. Its on the list of things I will do when the money starts coming in again. Its great advice, that hopefully this energetic former lazy writer will in her patience learning grow from. But for now, I hit the edit button about 35 times after. But hear your words, and they resonate. Thanks.
It’s interesting, sometimes when I do this I actually write some parts nearly word for word, which validates for me that it was the point I wanted to make. Being harder to follow is the main trick of having a self hosting site, It makes me work harder to understand how blogging works for me. My account become connected to though Writing 101, which I am grateful for.