Planning For Fun

This week is Inspiring Max’s 8th birthday. When I started blogging on Mother’s Day 2014 I didn’t have a plan. I learnt as I went and took each new experience as it came. Like my life really. During the first few years I found inspiration easily. The older I am however the more distracted I get. As I am nearing 60 I am looking to the future. Retirement is coming so work needs to give way to fun. What changes do I want to make and how will I achieve them. Now is the time to start planning. This will ensure I achieve what I what and not have hours lost to distraction. To help my motivation I found the perfect quote.

To give this quote even more power I have added it to a sunrise photo I took from my drive way only weeks ago. For me this will mean starting with a weekly plan that is then dividing it into a daily one. This week I am going to start with a blogging plan. This will ensure that Inspiring Max has direction and over the next two years I can aim for 1000 posts. I am currently sitting on 665 which was only increased by 90 since my 6th anniversary blogpost, due to a lack of planning. Having a plan for the A-Z challenge this year made blogging fun and doable again. Blogging is fun. And I want more fun in my life. To do so I will stop overthinking things and start making them happen.

Oh The Places I’ll Go!

Tell us about the top five places you’ve always wanted to visit.

When planning my holidays I like to divide my time between Australia as well as international travel. For this reason I am going to write a buckets list for each.


  • North Coast of Western Australia
  • North Queensland
  • Tasmanian Wilderness
  • Northern Territory
  • South Australia


  • Alaska
  • England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales
  • Iceland
  • More of Canada
  • More of New Zealand

Starting with the South Island of New Zealand early next year these places are the basis of our next 10 year travel plan. I love the planning and discovery stage of new adventures as I gather the information and start to think about what I will see when my day finally comes and I’m off to great places.

Photo Credit: Google

Photo Credit: Google

Life Plan

Take the first sentence from your favorite book and make it the first sentence of your post.

“What are you supposed to be doing with your life?”

And the answer is?

It’s your choice. Nobody can tell us what we should be doing with our life. I also believe that the goal posts are constantly changes—there is no right or wrong answer.

Decide what you want and make a plan for your life. Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle—a blank canvas that slowly and with consideration comes together.

Start by focusing on one or two areas. Every positive change makes a difference. Over time you can look back on your journey and notice how far you have come.  At times, you may choose the wrong pieces to go together. Don’t beat yourself up. Take out the wrong piece, make another choice and keep going. Every choice empowers you.

Completing a jigsaw puzzle, like planning your life can be frustrating. There is no quick fix and even the simple ones take time. The more complicated the puzzle or life plan, the more time it takes. Your options when completing your puzzle are:


  • The more you focus on the job, the quicker it comes together.


  • There is a greater chance of someone or something messing up your work when you are not focusing on it.


  • If you leave it and get distracted, nothing changes.


  • It is important to remember that the more people who help you complete your puzzle or support your journey—the quicker and with less frustration, it is completed.



Photo Credit: Google Images