When was the last time you took a risk (big or small), and pushed your own boundaries — socially, professionally, or otherwise? Were you satisfied with the outcome?
Technology scares me. I don’t understand it and it scares me. I had wanted to start a blog for several years and had done my research. I knew WordPress was the platform to use and in the long run I wanted a self-hosted blog. I didn’t know how to do it, but Google would show the way. Happy with this knowledge I woke up last Mother’s Day and decided today was the day—viola Inspiring Max was born.
I can still remember the feeling of posting my first blog post. It was awesome. I had taken my fear, turned it on its head and created something I was proud of.
Through my blogging journey I have developed my online voice and become more confident. When I tell people about my blog they look surprised, often stating that they would love to have one but don’t understand how they work or they think blogging is too difficult.
For all of my professional life, my private life has been hidden. Now with blogging, I am finding the balance. Although now to most people I blog anonymously, next year when my book is published—my identity will be revealed. I have adjusted to this by putting a little more of me into my blog. It doesn’t scare me now. I have grown with it. I followed Walt Disney advice when starting my blog and it has changed my life.

Feel the fear and do it anyway—you never know where your journey will take you.
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