
Understanding another person’s thoughts, feelings or behaviours is part of getting to know them. It is easy to judge based on our own assumptions of what is appropriate, but life is not that simple. It can be hard sometimes to look at a situation through another’s eyes. However, from my experience, the real growth comes as you can learn about your response to the initial trigger. Without this knowledge, you will find yourself in the same situation again and again.

To help me gain understanding I regularly review situations outside of the moment. The stronger my reaction, the more important I find it is to dig deep and be honest to develop the best outcomes for every one. In the following acrostic poem I share my thoughts and experiences reviewing difficult conversations and situations.

Unveiling the uncertainty

Negativity or neglect

Discovering the depth of the drive

Educating myself to encourage and empower

Realising any resentfulness I respond with reassurance and respect 

Secure, sensitive and supportive

Treading lightly, building trust and tolerance

Aware and authentic of my feelings

No longer nervous, nasty or numb

Delighted the situation is different now

Invigorated through involvement

Nurturing and

Getting to know myself as well as you better


Let Go

“Getting over painful experiences is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward”     C.S.Lewis

Photo Credit: Google Images

When I was young I loved playing on the monkey bars. I stood on the side rungs, arms outstretched, one on the first top rung, the other on the second as I considered my next move. My heart pounded as I felt the anxiety. Was I was brave enough to let go.

Every time without failure I stood frozen feeling the pain. I knew what I had to do, take a deep breath, a leap of faith and away I went.

Getting over the painful experiences life throws our way is the same. We have to stand on the edge, take a deep breath, reach out and let go. The first time is the hardest, however the more we do it, the stronger we get and the easier moving forward is.

Do you have to let go of any pain at present to move forward? If so, I hope this powerful quote from C.S.Lewis can motivate you in you time of need.


Describe your personal style, however you’d like to interpret that — your clothing style, your communication style, your hair style, your eating style, anything.

Empowering others is the basis of my communication and managing styles. My theme is “I teach people to fish, I don’t feed them fish.”

By teaching people to do things for themselves, they develop an understanding that their choices change their outcomes. They learn to set goals and realise they can achieve them by breaking the goal down into doable pieces. They have the power.

Sometimes the type of fishing or skills someone needs to learn can be difficult or slow to learn. But I don’t give up. I empower them to persevere and reap their rewards, however long it takes. By believing the other person can learn the skill and spending time to guide them on their personal journey I see them blossom and achieve things they initially never thought possible.

I love the fact that often as their confidence increases people choose to teach the skills I have taught them to others—keeping the chain of empowerment moving forward.


Forgive and Forget

Share a story where it was very difficult for you to forgive the perpetrator for wronging you, but you did it — you forgave them.

Unfortunately we cannot stop trauma, tragedy and conflict happening in our lives. We can however choose how we respond to it, which changes its impact. By staying stuck—angry, hurt and wanting revenge, we keep focusing on the negative emotions. This allows them to  continue to hurt us in other ways, over and over again.

Forgiveness is acknowledging that it happened, but letting go of the negative emotions. Doing whatever is necessary to move on. How—will be different for everyone, but there is no other way forward.

For me, forgiveness isn’t about the other person or what they have done—it’s about my mental health. By not forgiving them I allow them to take from me again and again.  Not an option for me. I deal with my emotions, learn any lessons that need to be learnt and move on. I may not choose to forget, but I do choose to not let it consume my life and forgiveness is the key.
