Following Your Gut

When’s the last time you followed your instinct despite not being sure it was the right thing to do? Did it end up being the right call?

I cannot tell you when I started relying on my gut. It is what I do. I am naturally intuitive and regularly just know things before they happen. My family has learnt to go with it, even though it often seems strange.

Over the years, I have chosen to hone this skill. I can’t tell you how I started but if you are interested,begin by learning to listen to your thoughts and instincts. Don’t judge. Some gut instincts will seem far-fetched at first. The more you trust yourself however, the more you can go with them.

I use my gut instinct in my counselling. It is surprising how often even the most outrageous statement is exactly on point and what the person needs to hear. Although I may not have known all the facts when, by following my gut, I have been able to respond in the right way.

Listen and its amazing what you can hear.

Control Your MInd

“If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere,” goes the famous song about New York City. Is there a place — a city, a school, a company — about which you think (or thought) the same? Tell us why, and if you ever tried to prove that claim.

Success begins in our minds. We decide our own fate. Whether we make it or not is up to us. It is our responsibility to control our thoughts. In response, our thoughts will control our outcomes.

Jack Canfield asks “do you take 100% responsibility for your life?” I believe if you want to make it, you need to take 100% control of your self-belief.

Decide what you want to do and control your self-doubt. You can’t make it in New York City or anywhere else with self-doubt driving you. Your mind controls your success, so control your mind. Five years ago, I began writing my book on eating disorder recovery. Initially, I was excited. I was doing what I always wanted to. Then suddenly, the more I wrote, the more I doubted others would be interested in what I had to say. My self-doubt had kicked in, but I didn’t let it stop me.

“What right do you have to be writer? Who wants to read what you have to say anyway?” said my self-doubt.

“Of course, I have something valuable to say. I have helped people with my advice for years” I replied.

This was a regular conversation/argument in my brain. However, over time the more I wrote, the easier it was to shut down my self-doubt. From here my self-confidence and self-belief grew. Allowing me to share my work with others, receive positive feedback and take my journey to the next level by self-publishing next year.

So, wherever or in whatever field you want to make it, remember the first step to making it, is to control your mind.




Way Out

You were caught in an avalanche. To be rescued, you need to make it through the night. What thought(s) would give you the strength to go through such a scary, dangerous situation?

As an Australian, I am unfamiliar with avalanche safety procedure. However, I won’t be giving up easily. In this situation, I am assuming that I am alone and know that help is on the way. With this in mind, my first thoughts are the same as in any crisis.

St Francis of Assisi quote

Start by doing what is necessary. In this situation, what is necessary is to stay alive. Breathe. Breathe deeply and regularly.  This is will keep me calm. The other essentials for life are to remain warm and awake.  These will also be the only things possible, so I will focus my thoughts on reasons to live.  I will do this by reliving special memories, making future goals and planning a holiday. Anything that is positive and pro-life.

Negative thoughts are out. I believe in positive thinking and all my energy is harnessed in a positive direction.


It has worked. I can hear help coming. Now to put my goals and plans into action. Thanks for the reminder of how precious life is and how easily it can change.

Taking Control

Today you can write about anything, in whatever genre or form, but your post must include a speeding car, a phone call, and a crisp, bright morning.

It was one of those days. Everything that could go wrong—was going wrong. I found my mind wandering off, thinking of ways I could make my day stop. At present I was not in control. Then it happened.

The passing policeman turned on his flashing lights—indicating for me to pull over. Oh no! He had noticed my speeding car. Just what I needed.  After being given my ticket—I decide to change my day.

Instead of driving off, I made a plan. Continuing to think ahead was not helping. I needed to centre myself. Meditation was my answer. Clear my mind, breathe deeply and stop the chaos in my head. I needed to be in control rather than my world controlling me—and giving me speeding tickets.

I changed my day around. Fortunately, my girlfriend answered my phone call and was available for an urgent coffee. Having a chat relieved my stress and energised me. That half an hour solidified my day’s plan—making the remainder of my day busy, but taking time out worked. I prioritised my day and as a result, I was reaping the rewards.

At the end of the day, I had achieved everything I needed and more. Because I took the time to focus on controlling my mind. So for now—tomorrow is another day. Hopefully, it will start with a crisp, bright morning as I would love a walk on the beach.

Thrill A Minute


Have you ever been white water rafting? My husband and I went on the Tongariro River, New Zealand, to celebrate my 50th birthday.  It was amazing. We were feeling brave, so we tackled the No.3 rapids—higher up the river.

I loved:

  • The exhilaration
  • Unpredictability
  • The rivers natural beauty
  • Silence—except our screams of course
  • Unknown challenge—would we fall out as we rode the waves
  • The twists and turns


Our guide told us the river is different everyday. He can never take the rapids for granted. They change constantly and if he isn’t focusing on the rapids, everyone’s life could be in danger—heads and rocks don’t mix well.

The mighty Tonangiro River

The mighty Tongariro River


All eight passengers on our boat were from different countries, so during our quiet times on the river, we were able to learn more about the world.


If ever you get the chance to go white water rafting—take the risk. It will change how you think about life. You have absolutely no control over what happens and it is the best. Handing over trust to the boat’s guide allows you to enjoy the ride and take notice of your surroundings.

Lower Tonangiro River

Lower Tongariro River

Thanks for the experience!