Lessons From My Teachers

Tell us about a teacher who had a real impact on your life, either for the better or the worse. How is your life different today because of him or her?

Teachers are about education. And from my experience good and bad teachers teach you skills, even if it wasn’t what they set out to teach you. My school years were the late sixties and seventies—a different era. Most of my teachers taught me well and used skills that I consider imperative today when interacting with or teaching my patients.

  • Caring
  • Confidence
  • Consistency
  • Good Communication
  • Honesty
  • Individuality
  • Kindness
  • Listening Skills
  • Non-judgmental
  • Patience
  • Respect
  • Self-Belief
  • Transparency

In 5th class however, my teacher was the opposite. He made my life so difficult. He picked on me, made me the laughing stock of the class and criticised everything I did. This lead to poorer marks that meant my grading in high school was lower than it should have been. Despite this I worked my way back up and the gifts I gained from him are RESILIENCE and a never say never attitude. All of these skills and qualities combine to make me the person I am today. It is all part of the patchwork quilt of my life.


Create Yourself

Creating yourself


It is now more than half way through the first month of 2015. How are your New Years resolutions or goals going? One way to help them happen is to take control and create a plan.

The more one understands and is guided by the above George Bernard Shaw quote, the easier success will be. Let’s look at difference between the two key words—find and create.

According to dictionary.com Find means

  • to come upon by chance
  • to locate or recover
  • to discover or perceive after consideration

Create however means

  • to cause to come into being
  • to cause to happen to evolve from one’s thought or imagination as in a work of art or invention

The way I see it, using the word create infers that you are empowered, taking control and ensuring your New Year’s resolution or goal happens. The word find has a more hit and miss feel. While the result may be the same, I believe the more direction one puts into achieving goals—the greater the chance of success.

For me—I plan 2015 to be the year I complete my dream of becoming a published author. To achieve this goal I decided to follow George Bernard Shaw’s advice. I created opportunities to write. I also created opportunities:

  • to find my voice
  • to learn my craft
  • to connect with others writers
  • to receive feedback
  • to understand the process

It is both exciting and scary to see the creation of my dream come together. Are your currently finding or creating yourself? How is it working for you? If it’s not working for you, change the steps you are taking and make your dream happen.

Hand Brain Connection

When was the last time you wrote something substantive — a letter, a story, a journal entry, etc. — by hand? Could you ever imagine returning to a pre-keyboard era?

I hand write my first draft of just about everything. I find it helps my flow and connects better with my thinking. When I was editing my book, I would rewrite sections from scratch to help my clarity. From this exercise, I discovered I would often write the same information twice—without realising it. I would use the same words, in the same order and in the same place in the paragraph.  This confirmed to me they were correct. I have attempted this same exercise typing it instead of writing the second time and I get stuck. I  didn’t know what I want to say. For me there definitely is a hand brain connect.

As a Toastmaster, I hand write my speeches—both initially and as a way to learn them. Once again this helps with my flow, but I think in this case it also helps me—write like I speak. Once I am happy with my hand written first draft, I type my speech and make any necessary changes.  After I have my completed my speech, I learn it by writing it out by hand several times. It works for me. This process helps me to remember the main points in the correct order.

Today I learnt why this is so. In our brain is a collection of cells called the Reticular Activating System (RAS). They act as a link between our sub conscious and conscious mind. The RAS’s job is to filter all the information the world has to give us on a second by second basis, only drawing our attention to what we want to focus on. By writing things down we trigger the RAS into action. It begins to focus on the topic we are writing about. This definitely helps to explain why for me hand writing before I type gets the job done much quicker than staring at the computer screen.

Personally, I would never want to go back to a pre-keyboard era. Today with the keyboard comes many new options like the internet and self-publishing. But I am not voting hand writing off the island any time soon either. Variety is the spice of life—I’m using both to get the best result.





Tell us about your first day at something — your first day of school, first day of work, first day living on your own, first day blogging, first day as a parent, whatever.

There is always a first time to do something. The problem is, often none of these are as simple as they seem. Starting a new job, having a baby or beginning blogging,  they all need a strategy.

To help us with this mission, I have made an acronym of FIRST.

F:  Fear

I: Inspiration

R: Resolve

S: Stategy

T: Test

All new things have a fear attached to them. Use this fear to develop inspiration as to why you want to overcome this fear. Then resolve to make a strategy to ensure your success and finally test it out.

Don’t let fear get the better of you. Make a plan to overcome it and make lots of firsts. They keep your life exciting.



My Timely Gift.

You wake up one morning to find a beautifully wrapped package next to your bed. Attached to it is a note: “Open me, if you dare.” What’s inside the mystery box? Do you open it?


Today is Christmas day. However, as I am travelling I wasn’t expecting Santa to drop by. Then suddenly I noticed a beautifully wrapped gift at the end of my bed this morning.

Imagine my surprise. Being a positive, glass half full type of girl, of course, I was going to open it. I believe everything happens for a reason. But, what could be in my gift? I had no idea. So, I decided I would put myself out of my misery and just open it.

Or so I thought.

The problem. It was very well wrapped. Each layer was individually wrapped with instructions or a quote like in pass the parcel (the children’s game).

The first layer said “Always remember. You can do it”.

Yes. This is something I am working on.

The second layer said “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”.

I was suddenly beginning to understand. Often, I didn’t know how I could get through  a situation.  But when I had no choice, I always came through with flying colours, by following my gut instinct.

The third layer and the toughest to get to said, “Change your attitude. Think of difficult situations as opportunities to take up a challenge, not obligations to be met”

Now I was excited. With these reminders my self-belief will improve greatly. Giving me more potential to make my dream of becoming a published author in 2015, a reality.

What a timely gift. I am glad I dared to open it.

Thanks. I am grateful.



I am often described as the lady in purple. I wear purple at every opportunity—it is my favourite colour.  Up until recently, my hair was also purple, matching my clothes. There are many shades of purple so I don’t get bored and have plenty of variety.

Apparently, I have a purple aura. Who knew? People who have a purple aura are known to be highly psychic, attuned to the emotions of others and very sensitive. They are also known to be healers and teachers. This describes me well. Empowering people to improve their mental health and be the best version of themselves is what I do. This blog complete with its purple trim is based on inspiring people.

I am both grateful and inspired by the colour purple. Every time I need extra support to get through tough times—I wear purple. I use it as a protective armour. It works for me and gives me confidence. Purple helps me be creative and my writing desk has many purple accessories.

The colour purple has a long history associated with royalty, spirituality and significant events. It is a mixture of red (warm) and blue (cool) colours, so it is balanced.

What colour inspires you? Is it you favourite colour or a specific you wear when you need a lift?


Lessons From Dogs

When loved ones come home, run to meet them.

After you’ve been scolded, run right back and be friends.

When someone is having a bad day, sit by and nuzzle a little.

When your happy, dance around, and wag your whole body.

Delight in the healthy pleasures of a good walk.

Avoid snarling when a gentle growl will do.


Author unknown

Seen on a sign on Newfoundland waterfront.


151 - a Newfie 1

Love Me Please

Lessons From My Blog

What’s the most important (or interesting, or unexpected) thing about blogging you know today that you didn’t know a month ago?

Blogging is a never-ending journey. This is my 150th post. And I am excited there is always something new to learn or do.  So what are some of the things I have learnt recently?

1. Working out what my audience wants is tricky and seems to vary.

2. Connecting with others is the key.  I don’t expect others to stop by my site without me reaching out to them. This  is only half the journey and doesn’t work.

3. I make sure that my writing is clear and not open to interpretation. I use the KIS principle, keep it simple.

4. Writing daily makes it easier. I stopped for a few days and I lost momentum.  Now it takes me longer to write my posts until I get back into a system.

5. The more I blog, the more I want to blog. I love that you can sit at your computer anywhere in the world, share people’s lives and they can share mine.

6. The more I blog, the more I realise the power of the internet and the role of my voice online.

7. Finding viewers is hard but working my blog helps keep them. I appreciate everyone who stops by and visits my blog.


Following Your Gut

When’s the last time you followed your instinct despite not being sure it was the right thing to do? Did it end up being the right call?

I cannot tell you when I started relying on my gut. It is what I do. I am naturally intuitive and regularly just know things before they happen. My family has learnt to go with it, even though it often seems strange.

Over the years, I have chosen to hone this skill. I can’t tell you how I started but if you are interested,begin by learning to listen to your thoughts and instincts. Don’t judge. Some gut instincts will seem far-fetched at first. The more you trust yourself however, the more you can go with them.

I use my gut instinct in my counselling. It is surprising how often even the most outrageous statement is exactly on point and what the person needs to hear. Although I may not have known all the facts when, by following my gut, I have been able to respond in the right way.

Listen and its amazing what you can hear.


Control Your MInd

“If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere,” goes the famous song about New York City. Is there a place — a city, a school, a company — about which you think (or thought) the same? Tell us why, and if you ever tried to prove that claim.

Success begins in our minds. We decide our own fate. Whether we make it or not is up to us. It is our responsibility to control our thoughts. In response, our thoughts will control our outcomes.

Jack Canfield asks “do you take 100% responsibility for your life?” I believe if you want to make it, you need to take 100% control of your self-belief.

Decide what you want to do and control your self-doubt. You can’t make it in New York City or anywhere else with self-doubt driving you. Your mind controls your success, so control your mind. Five years ago, I began writing my book on eating disorder recovery. Initially, I was excited. I was doing what I always wanted to. Then suddenly, the more I wrote, the more I doubted others would be interested in what I had to say. My self-doubt had kicked in, but I didn’t let it stop me.

“What right do you have to be writer? Who wants to read what you have to say anyway?” said my self-doubt.

“Of course, I have something valuable to say. I have helped people with my advice for years” I replied.

This was a regular conversation/argument in my brain. However, over time the more I wrote, the easier it was to shut down my self-doubt. From here my self-confidence and self-belief grew. Allowing me to share my work with others, receive positive feedback and take my journey to the next level by self-publishing next year.

So, wherever or in whatever field you want to make it, remember the first step to making it, is to control your mind.



