Weekly Photo Challenge: Cheeky

Initially I was puzzled about what my take on this prompt would be. Then as we were driving around Margaret River wineries last week, we happened upon Cheeky Monkey Brewery where we had lunch. It was perfect. A bit of unique crazy in a beautiful setting, with great food as a bonus.



Share Your World – December 4th, 2017

What household chore do you absolutely hate doing?  

Basically anything that relates to cleaning. I am good with the cooking and even washing the dishes but scrubbing, wiping and dusting don’t do it for me. The only advantage of working full time was that I had a cleaner however working part time I can’t justify it.

At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? 

We are currently on holiday in Western Australia. Being on the other side of the country there are many new things to explore and learn about. Watching the sunset over the ocean this evening was different as living on the east coast we usually see the sunrise over the ocean.

How many times have you moved in the last ten years?

Over the last 10 years we have moved 4 times. Our latest move back to Newcastle last year I am hoping will be my last. We are currently considering our first ever renovations to make our forever house how we want it to be before we retire in the next few years. It’s a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  

Last Saturday night I was lucky enough to see Paul McCartney in concert. It was my husband’s birthday and he is a huge fan, so I went to enjoy the night with him. Prior to the concert I was not a fan but I must say it changed my world. The creativity and personal connectedness was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Not bad for a 75 year old.


Share Your World – December 4, 2017

Weekly Photo Challenge: Bridge


The Sydney Harbour Bridge plays a major role in all celebrations on Sydney Harbour. These photos taken during VIVID 2017 show her in all her glory from both sides of Circular Quay.


Coffee Catch-Up #18

If we were having coffee I would tell you that life has been very busy lately. I have started having a weekly in person coffee catch-up with a long time girl friend, I used to only see once a year. It’s a great way to end the week, we are having a walk and investigating the where the good coffee is around my local area.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that last weekend my husband and I  went on road trip last weekend for his birthday. The weather was really hot so although we originally planned to go into the country, we decided to stick to the coast. We went and looked at the Myall Lakes National Park. It’s an area on the mid north coast of New South Wales that I had never been to before because it’s a bit off the beaten track. It was beautiful with massive sand dunes and an amazing view of Broughton Island off the coast hiding over the hill. I’d love to return to the area when I have time to explore it further, taking a tent.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how amazed I was to see a giant eagles nest on one of the power poles heading into Forster. The first time we missed photographing it which was a shame as the eagles were sitting next to it. However, when we returned they had gone but the nest its self is still impressive.

2016-12-04 14.58.48

If we were having coffee I would tell you that preparations for Christmas are going reasonably well although it will be a much quieter affair this year as our new house is to mixed up with our renovation work to put up a proper Christmas tree with all the trimming.  My daughter has bought her first Christmas tree and put it up in our old home. It looks great. Then just to rub salt into the wound she sent me a photo of our old house covered in lights for Christmas, something I have always wanted to do. I’m so jealous, but very proud of her creativity.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how frustrated I was spending literally all day trying to get my new free 6 month subscription  to Apple music to work on my new phone.Neither Telstra nor Apple have wanted to take responsibility and I can’t believe it still isn’t fixed. The whole experience has really tested my patience but everyone who has used Apple music tells me it will be worth it. I got it to at least work around midnight, although I’m not sure if it is the correct way. Meanwhile Telstra will get back to me on Wednesday, so here’s hoping they can work out if its correct then. I’m astounded it’s this hard.

If we were having coffee I would tell you I am still waiting to have my first swim of the season as every time I have been to the beach it has been too cool to swim or the beach wasn’t patrolled by life guards. I love the beach but as I am not comfortable with my ability to read the dangerous rips I won’t swim in unpatrolled waters as the power of the ocean can turn very quickly.

If we were having coffee I would ask you what is happening in your world? Its been a while so I hope life has been good to you. Let me know in the comments.



Treasure is something of value. It can come in all shapes and sizes, be shiny and sparkle or be ugly and covered in dirt. Everyone’s treasure and things they value are different. For me, my most valued treasure is my personal values.

T rust

R esponsibility

E mpathy

A cceptance

elf Respect




They are how I  live my life, raise my family and connect with people. Without any of them my life would be unbalanced. Individually, my values are only part of the picture, but together they form a very strong bond that can get me through any obstacle life throws my way.
