Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award




This week I am honoured to receive the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award from purpleslobinrecovery. Thank you Purple I enjoy your practical humour and advice on everyday subjects. If you get the chance, stop by and check out her blog and join in with her community spirit.


•             Put the Award logo on your blog

•             Thank the person who nominated you, linking back to their site

•             Answer 10 questions the person asked you

•             Nominate 10 blogs and notify them

•             Write 10 new questions for them


  1.  Barney or Blue?  If you have no CLUE about this question, that’s okay.  Just make up a funny 1 liner.

Definitely Barney after all who doesn’t love a purple dinosaur with an imaginary world that their kids grew up with. Barney’s cool!

Photo Credit: Google Images

Photo Credit: Google Images

2. What number comes after 14?  Just so I’ll know for next time.

In a series 7 it’s 21 so I’ll go with that to be different.

3. What surprise ingredient do you add to your lemonade?

Now that would depend who I am making a drink for myself or a child. If it’s me I add vodka and parfait armour—tastes amazing. If it’s for a child definitely red cordial after all I don’t know a child who doesn’t love a fire engine.

4. If you could go back in time, to any age, how old would you be?

I don’t want to go back in time. I’m happy with my age although sometimes would like to be physically younger in my abilities.

5. Why that particular age?

Happy with being in my 50’s dreaming about retirement.

6. Do you drink outta plastic or real glass?

Real glass at every opportunity. If I have to drink out of plastic I like the glass shape to match the drink e.g. if I am drinking wine it needs to be out of a plastic wine glass not a plastic cup—fussy I know.

7. Are you tethered or wireless?

Wireless I think. As long as it works I don’t care.

8.  E-book or print?

I love bookshops so definitely print. E-books are convenient but there is something special about the feel of a book and seeing how far you are though it.


  1. Jacqueline
  2. Phoenix Grey
  3. B’s Words
  4. Haddon Musings
  5. YOUnfolded
  6. Best places of interest
  7. This Melbourne Life
  8. Blue Ribbon Fair
  9. Gypsy Life
  10. Indira’s Blog


  1. Your favourite Disney character is…..
  2. What is the vegetable you hated as a child?
  3. Did you get a pen or ink license at school?
  4. Do you drive on the left or right side of the road?
  5. What is your favourite joke?
  6. Do you read fiction or non-fiction?
  7. Who is your favourite author?
  8. What is your favourite sport?
  9. If you could give $1000 dollars to a charity which one would you choose?
  10. Name one of your strengths?


Coffee Catch-up #2

As it has been six weeks since our first coffee catch-up I think it is time to catch-up again. Due to feedback from our last coffee, this will be a random regular event—a bit like my real life coffee catch-ups. If you missed our first coffee, you can catch-up here.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how much I enjoyed our trip to the cinema yesterday. My husband and I saw Bridge of Spies with Tom Hanks. It wasn’t my first choice for a movie, however it looked okay and it was being shown at a time suitable to us. From the start I was invested and intrigued. Based on true events, Bridge of Spies is a story set during the Cold War. An American lawyer played by Hanks is recruited by the CIA to go to Berlin and negotiated the release of a spy plane pilot shot down over Russia. Produced by Steven Spielberg it is full of drama, has great casting and as expected amazing location photography. If you have a few hours to spare it is definitely worth a look.

If we were having coffee I would tell you about my continuing de-clutter at work. Over the last few weeks I have gone through all the cupboards and drawers, throwing out information that hasn’t been needed for years and organising everything else so it can be found and accessed. I even found some photographs of staff from about 8 years ago and my new staff didn’t always pick the younger version of myself. The new look office is going well and people are taking the time to comment. We have also started a treat roster and everyone is excited to take turns and bring in some special homemade treats to share.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how excited I was to carve my first pumpkin last weekend. I had no idea to begin with but with the help of Dr Google I learnt quickly. My daughter helped me with the design and although my pumpkin wasn’t the winner of our Toastmasters Halloween competition it was fun.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I am looking forward to preparing for Christmas which is now less than 8 weeks away. My family has a colour theme and this year it is Berry. All colours that berries come in are welcome. As my favourite colour is purple I will be looking for purple-blue coloured clothes. I am hoping to find something suitable before my work Christmas party to kill two birds with the one stone.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how I am refocusing on completing the editing of my book on eating disorder recovery.  I have about half the book to go and would like to hand it to the editor in Jan 2016 which I think is achievable as long as I keep working at it. Seriously before I began this journey I never realised how much time goes into the editing process of a book. I think I just thought magically happened—definitely not so especially for non-fiction books.

If we were having coffee I would ask you what you have done and how you have been since we last met. Let me know in the comments what you have been up to.

Share Your World – 2015 Week 37

If you could have three wishes granted for you alone, what would they be?

I would love to have a week’s writing and tuition in Tuscany, Italy.

I would love to have someone take over the final editing of my book and let me know that it is ready.

My last wish would be to win lotto so I could stop working, slow down my pace of life and move to the country.

What is the most incredible natural venue that you’ve ever seen in person?

I love the Blue Mountains, Australia and Niagara Falls, Canada.

Blue Mountains Australia


Niagara Falls

Is your hair short (total neck and ear showing), medium (covering ears and neck), long (below shoulders) or extra-long (at least halfway down your back)?

My hair is medium length. Basically it won’t grow past a certain point. If is is not cut it grows outwards and gets more frizzy.

List some of your favorite blogs.

I have many favourite blogs so here are just a few.




Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

This week I am grateful the difficult times of the last few weeks are over and improving. This week I am looking forward to getting back to working on my book and my blog.


Writing was not a skill that came naturally to me. However, the more I wrote the easier it became. And the more I loved it. When I began my book in 2009, my style was very formal. “It doesn’t sound like you and that’s what works” was the feedback I was given. I considered this statement briefly and knew it was correct. I had to find my voice. Editing my book helped me do this and I have carried this voice onto my blog.

For me, writing begins in my head. I think about the topic I want to write about and make a plan as I go about my daily business, which sparks an angle for me to come from. Then I take my plan and write my thoughts out by hand. To make this easier I always carry paper in my handbag in case inspiration strikes.

These days I mostly write at my desk. However, I can and have written anywhere and everywhere—3/4 of my book was written on the train during my daily commute. The big problem of writing everyday is lack of ideas. I am looking for inspiration and to make sure I am giving you my reader what you want I would like your ideas. Please take a moment to complete the attached poll–I thank you for your opinion.

Things I’ve Learnt

Have you ever considered what you have learnt? The following list reflects my first thoughts after pondering this topic.

  •  I can do anything I want by breaking my goal down into small practical steps
  • Adequate sleep is essential for my mental health
  • Connecting with people brings me joy–in person and in the blogging community
  • Acknowledging my feelings takes away their power over me
  • I can do anything I really set my mind to by seeking the right help and guidance
  • Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but one of strength
  • My choices need to reflect my priorities to achieve my goals
  • Mindfulness colouring-in books are great for stress relief
  • We teach others how to treat us by how we treat ourselves
  • Colour lifts my mood
  • Positive thinking is powerful
  • When life is difficult I work out what I can practically do in the moment—the rest can wait till later
  • Drinking water makes my body work better
  • Spending ME time daily is important
  • Spending time visiting others blogs is an important part of the joy of blogging
  • If I just do things instead of procrastinating about them I save time
  • When one door closes a window with a better view usually opens
  • Getting back to nature grounds me
  • Get the facts then make decisions—don’t assume
  • If in doubt—Google


Imagine that tomorrow, all of your duties and obligations evaporate for the day. You get the day all to yourself, to do anything you please. What types of fun activities would make your day?

I believe taking time out to recharge and celebrate ME Time is important for mental health. This week I have been lucky enough to have a week of ME Time without any duties or obligations doing whatever I feel like for the day. It is liberating and relaxing. I am spending the week in Port Macquarie New South Wales, an area I first visited as a 10-year-old child. So how do I plan to spend my days when I don’t have my usual  busy schedule to contend with. No problem. Below is a list of my options most of which I have already done:

  • Build a sand castle
  • Celebrate days off with a glass of champagne
  • Catch up on my blogging
  • Colour in
  • Do a crossword puzzle
  • Draw
  • Enjoy the winter sunshine
  • Explore new areas
  • Gather ideas for Inspiring Max
  • Listen to different bird calls
  • Play a board game
  • Play solitaire with cards
  • Read a romantic comedy
  • Reconnect with what it was like living in regional New South Wales
  • Relive childhood memories
  • Sleep in
  • Smell the ocean
  • Smell the flowers beginning to burst as Spring is around the corner
  • Swim
  • Visit regional art galleries
  • Walk on beach
  • Watch a girly movie
  • Work on my book

It has been  a great week staying in one place, catching up with myself and expand my experience of my amazing homeland, Australia.

Help Me Please

Is it easy for you to ask for help when you need it, or do you prefer to rely only on yourself? Why?

I am an independent, goal setting person who understands the power of being able to ask for help when I need it. This doesn’t mean I am weak. It means I am strong enough to say I need help and that I know how to get it. I understand the power of delegation—asking someone to do something for me. In most cases my asking for help may teach the other person a skill along the way. I find as a leader that my team recognise that importance of asking for help when they see me doing it naturally.

When I wanted to learn to blog I asked everyone I knew that blogged how to go about it. Piecing together all the information I  set up my blog. It took a lot of asking to finally get it running well however I am proud of my achievement. Something I would never have been able to do without help.

For me asking for help is about connecting with my needs. If I am too exhausted from a busy day at work and someone asks me whats for dinner I will say “whatever you get.” This triggers a chain of events from which dinner is sorted.

  1. The other person recognises that I am tired and not getting dinner.
  2. They decide if they have the energy and if so start preparing.
  3. We collectively decide how hungry we are and whether cheese on toast will fill the hole or if we want to order takeaway or go out to eat.

Either way for me the simple task of asking for help with dinner usually recharges me enough to pick up where I left off.

If I don’t understand something I ask rather than wasting time attempting to figure it out myself and getting nowhere. Let others help lessens your load, gets the job done quicker and brings you closer together. Asking for help also assists with setting boundaries with people as you decide who is the best person to help you with the task at hand rather than accepting someone not suitable because they offered.


STARLIGHT Blogger Award

This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

I would like to thank Anne at for being a part of my blogging community and nominating me for the “STARLIGHT Blogger Award”.  I was honoured and encouraged to receive this Award from another inspiring blogger. The STARLIGHT Blogger Award is a new Award to honor those individuals who are considered The light emanating from the stars“—the bloggers that bring daily light into your soul with their creativity—the blogs you love to read, listen and visit! The Award was created by Carolina as token of love and appreciation and encouragement so please spread the love and pass it to other deserved bloggers!

Nominations Rules:
Nominate your 6 favorite bloggers! In your nominees I would like for you to think at the light emanating from the stars the ones that truly touch your soul with their work, the ones that are the light for you a true STARLIGHT Blogger.

Rules for the STARLIGHT Blogger Award:
Thank the giver and link their Blog to your post.
Answer the 3 questions given to you.
Please Pass the award on to 6 or more other Bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated by you.
Include the logo of the award in a post or on your Blog please never alter the logo and never change the rules.

Please don’t delete this note: the design for the STARLIGHT Bloggers Award has been created from YesterdayAfter is a Copyright image you cannot alter or change it in any way just pass it to others that deserve this award.
Copyright 2015 © – Design by Carolina Russo

My Nominees for the STARLIGHT Blogger Award: Eclectic Odds N Sods B’s Words Send Sunshine Lisa Dorenfest  Mara Eastern

My questions answered:

1. What hinders your creativity (if you could say one thing)?

My life is busy so the biggest hindrance to my creativity is time. Time to calm my head. I like to take any topic and put a positive Inspiring Max spin on it. Sometimes if my original idea doesn’t feel right I won’t go with it just for the sake of blogging. I continue to consider my options until it works, which may mean the opportunity is lost. No problem the way I see it “you win some and you lose some.” At other times in this consideration stage I have totally changed my idea and released creativity that really works.

2. Why do you create? (Please be specific)

My creative outlet is writing and my goal is to inspire people to look on the positive side of life even when things are not going according to plan.”To inspire you—developing a spark of hope into a fire that warms you and lights your path.” I do this in a personal, positive, practical way by ensuring each post is encouraging and interesting.

3. What advice could you give to new bloggers for creativity or inspiration?

Write what you know. Be honest, try new things and find your voice. There are no rules and there is an audience for everyone. It is important to remember that blogging is a community and you will get out of it what you put in. Visit other blogs—like and comment on their posts. This is something I do regularly especially if I am running short on time. Even in 5 minutes I can visit many blogs—reading and responding to them which helps keep traffic moving on my blog when I have not written a new blog post. Enjoy the journey and make new friends with the amazing people you will meet on the way.

Please note:
No one should feel obligated to accept this Award or to link back. I just wanted to share with other’s in the community how inspiring and amazing you and your Blogs are.  I’ve enjoyed visiting them on a regular basis. If you do decide to accept this award and pass it on that’s greatly appreciated!

New Questions For Those Who Accept:

1. What is your favourite creation?

2. Where do you see your creativity taking you in 3 years?

3. What advice could you give to new bloggers for creativity or inspiration?

If you decided to accept the STARLIGHT Blogger Award, please put a link to the post in my comments. Also please nominate at least 6 bloggers for this amazing award. Thank you and have a great time! Inspiring Max

Everyone Is Welcome

If you could have a guarantee that one, specific person was reading your blog, who would you want that person to be? Why? What do you want to say to them?

Inspiring Max is not written for any one person. It’s “goal is to inspire you—developing a spark of hope into a fire that warms you and lights your path.” This is an open invitation to all who through their life journey have stumbled upon my blog. Whatever your reason for visiting — you are welcome. I hope you find inspiration to look on the positive side of life through the contents of Inspiring Max.

I find inspiration to do many things through my adventures on the blogosphere and I hope Inspiring Max does the same for others. I chose the double rainbow to represent my blog as it also reminds us of that life is not always dark and gloomy and there is hope ahead.

2011-07-30 17.13.54

Inspiring Max

Looks at life through positive

Ways and means

First Blogiversary

On Mothers Day 2014 I bit the bullet and started a blog. I had no idea where this journey would lead me but I stepped out anyway and the following have been my rewards.

  1. I have met many new friends
  2. I am no longer scared of the internet
  3. Writing daily has helped my word order and editing skills
  4. I have a greater knowledge of countries around the world
  5. I have learnt to reach out to others by leaving a comment on their blog
  6. Understanding WordPress has helped me download my draft copy of my book as an e-book in Pressbooks
  7. I am learning to write poetry
  8. I am learning about search engine optimization
  9. I have been viewed by people in 114 countries some I didn’t know existed
  10. I am learning to fix things on my blog
  11. I am becoming more comfortable using my experiences as a basis for my writing in a public forum
  12. I have learnt to never assume anything and to make my writing clear
  13. Over the 12 months I have had 12, 567 views and have 415 followers
  14. I have learnt that visiting other blogs is as important as writing a post
  15. I have enjoyed several Blogging University courses and learnt a lot from them
  16. The A -Z April Blogging Challenge really tested me but I was excited to join it and complete all posts
  17. I now notice fun blog ideas and can gather the information ahead of time
  18. My audience continues to grow as I learn about traffic flow
  19. Blogging events help us to interact
  20. I have developed and understand my online voice and how it connects with others
  21. I have learned about many new cultures, people, places and things
  22. Finding peace in the blogging community
  23. I have developed confidence with my writing through feedback from others
  24. Learnt to use photos to enhance my posts
  25. I enjoy writing and designing quotes using Picmonkey
  26. I have learnt perseverance—it takes time to find your community blogging
  27. Never give up, keep chipping away at it
  28. Some things you can’t control and who how many people visit your blog is one of them

Thank you for joining me on my journey and I hope we continue to interact over the years to come in the blogosphere. My first ever post on Mother’s Day is here