Opening Up

In New South Wales, Australia, today is the day we have all been waiting for. We can start going to cafes or restaurants to eat in, have 5 people visit our homes and enjoy the loosening of restrictions in many other everyday activities and events.

This process throughout the world is known as opening up. As I begin to get excited about the options of our increasing freedoms, I considered what the phrase ‘opening up’ means. After all, nothing in life can happen if we don’t do something different or let someone in.

Here are my thoughts arranged in an acrostic poem.


Ordering thoughts

Planning to make changes

Endeavouring to cover all options

Negotiating any obstacles

Intuitively doing what needs to be done

Not letting fear stop us

Going ahead with the plan knowing it is as good as it can be

Understanding the risks

Positive thinking about the outcomes

Never Helpless

Helplessness: that dull, sick feeling of not being the one at the reins. When did you last feel like that –- and what did you do about it?

I don’t ever feel helpless. If I feel something needs to change in a situation I think outside the square to find an answer to the problem. Sometimes the leader may require help, I may need more explanation of what is really going on or life may have suddenly taken a tragic turn that needs managing. Whatever the reason feeling helpless just takes away my power. I hope you enjoy the following acrostic poem of how I turn HELPLESS into HOPE.

Hopeful an alternative could be found

Eager and encouraged to look for a solution

Liberated to have an idea

Pleased to put it forward

Liking the response I received

Empathetic to our leader

Safe in the knowing

Self-doubt didn’t stop me finding hope

Inspiring Hope

What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world?

I believe the way you look at the world changes your outcomes, and I  always focus on the positives in any situation. Developing a spark of hope into a fire that warms you and lights your path is my goal. Life is too short not to make the most of what we have.

The above quote is from my About page and shows the purpose of my blog. Working in mental health I encourage others to see that there can be an alternative way to look at situations. We may not be able to change our past but we can choose to change the impact it has on our future.

Where possible I like to find a unique angle for my blog posts that inspires people to think outside the square or gain a new experience. I use my double rainbow as my brand to help keep me focused on hope.

The double rainbow is a rare and beautiful thing that inspires even more hope. It reminds us that after the storm there can be a beautiful ending. At the time I took this photo from Melbourne Aquatic Centre in 2011, life wasn’t necessarily easy but by focusing on the positive, gold was eventually found at the end of the rainbow, in the most surprising places.

2011-07-30 17.13.54