During our last holiday we literally lived in harmony with emus. As an Australian I never thought that this would be possible. They scare me. They peck you. They are wild creatures. However our Coffin Bay experience was very different. Here humans and emus share the town. We keep our distance from them and they just get about their business and let us take a million photos of them. I have never been up close to emus before.

In the caravan park we stayed in the emus had right of way and it was interesting to see the cars and vans stop an wait for the emus to make their move. Fortunately for us we were there in Spring so several of the families had chicks. So cute. I was interested to learn that the male emus look after the chicks not the females. Personally I got very excited when the families came up close to Truby (our slide on camper.)

As emus are usually solitary animals it was fun to see them in a mob just doing their thing.

Posted for this weeks CFFC https://ceenphotography.com/2023/01/10/cffc-feathers-2/ (Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge.) This weeks theme is Feathers. Thanks Cee for the inspiration.