Three Wishes

Remember those lovely genies who grant wishes? Well, you’re one and you’ve just been emancipated from your restrictive lamp. You can give your three wishes to whomever you want. Who do you give your three wishes to, and why?














Supporting Others

We all know how to do something well — write a post that teaches readers how to do something you know and/or love to do.

One of the main things I have a reputation for is support others. All my life—from the age of 9—I have been the person others come to when they needed a welcome ear to tell their problems to especially when they were fighting with their best friend.  With all the practice I had at school I think I was always destined to work in mental health.  Supporting others has developed into a passion for me and I find ways to do it regularly in my professional and person life. Below are some of the values I use when I support others.














A Tale of Two Cities

If you could split your time evenly between two places, and two places only, which would these be?

For a period I would love to be able to spend 6 moths in Australia and 6 months in Canada. There is so much natural beauty, flora and fauna and history in both places, devoting time to exploring it would be amazing. The question I would struggle to answer is where to begin? Maybe I could use the following acrostic poems as a guide.





The Great Barrier Reef

Rottnest Island




Albury – Wodonga





Newfoundland & Labrador

Algonquin Park


Arctic Bay


What’s your most prized possession?

My most prized possession is my ability to cope with what ever comes my way. My life has been an interesting miss mash of experiences that have helped me developed my personal resilience. At times, I laughing joke that resilience is the one thing that I have achieved a high distinction in. Seriously however—personal resilience is no laughing matter. Although, it is the corner-stone of emotional intelligence. The following acrostic poem  describes some of the values my personal resilience has taught me.











To help you develop your personal resilience, look into the lessons your tough times have taught you. Moving forward they can turn into powerful tools that you can use to support yourself and others in times of need.

Keep Believing

What is the one thing at which you are the most afraid of failing?

In general I look at life through positive thoughts so I don’t think about failing.  I believe in myself and my ability to cope with what life throws my way. If something doesn’t work out the way I planned I look for the lesson for it, make a new plan and move forward. I believe focusing on failure and what I can’t do doesn’t help and fogs up my view of my reality.

This week many things that I couldn’t control came into my life and I was reminded of the above inspirational tweet. It would have been easy for me to focus on the negative aspects however, as challenging as this was, I continued to focus on the positive and believe everything would work out. I focused on what I could do.

To succeed at not letting what I couldn’t do interfere with what I needed to I acknowledged my fears, feelings and frustrations. These were the basis of the negative things that could happen and because I am a big picture person I made a small plan—just in case. That done with support from those around me I focused on the positive. I kept believing that everything would work out.

Now as I start a new week I am grateful that things are moving forward in the right direction and non of my fears transpired. In hindsight, I am happy my mindfulness and positive thinking worked out and should a similar situation happen again, I will again follow John Wooden’s advice.

If you find yourself  focusing on what you can’t do, take a moment believe in what you can do and see where it leads you.


What’s the biggest chance you ever took? Did it work out? Do tell!


I think for me the scariest chance I have taken was last year when I started Inspiring Max.  I had considered it for many years before finally plucking up the courage to find my online voice. It is a decision I don’t regret taking and I write about the lessons I have learnt from the experience in my first blogiversary post, which can be found at

When it comes to chances I agree with my childhood hero, Mary Tyler Moore that we grow from our mistakes. I love this quote and find it powerful when I need extra motivation to do something like the first time I pressed publish on a blog post. The next scary chance for me to take when I am ready is to send my book to the editor, hopefully sometime in the next few months. Thanks for joining me as I continue to change my life, take more chances and see where they take me.

Anything Is Possible

Every city and town contains people of different classes: rich, poor, and somewhere in between. What’s it like where you live? If it’s difficult for you to discern and describe the different types of classes in your locale, describe what it was like where you grew up — was it swimming pools and movie stars, industrial and working class, somewhere in between or something completely different?

I live in Sydney, Australia and it is a great part of the world to live in. It is a multicultural society where anything is possible. I find myself constantly learning new things about different cultures, foods and religions making my world an interesting place. Whenever I want to go out for a meal the choice is huge and if I want to try my hand at cooking international food sourcing the ingredients can be as easy as a trip to the local shopping centre.

Some days the things that happen in Sydney never cease to amaze me. Last weekend within walking distance to each other, we had the World Netball Championships as well as the wedding of our deputy mayor,  given the title of Australia’s most expensive wedding including luxury cars, helicopters, Harley Davidson motorbikes and jet flyover. I knew my area was interesting but this now proves anything is possible.


Imagine that tomorrow, all of your duties and obligations evaporate for the day. You get the day all to yourself, to do anything you please. What types of fun activities would make your day?

I believe taking time out to recharge and celebrate ME Time is important for mental health. This week I have been lucky enough to have a week of ME Time without any duties or obligations doing whatever I feel like for the day. It is liberating and relaxing. I am spending the week in Port Macquarie New South Wales, an area I first visited as a 10-year-old child. So how do I plan to spend my days when I don’t have my usual  busy schedule to contend with. No problem. Below is a list of my options most of which I have already done:

  • Build a sand castle
  • Celebrate days off with a glass of champagne
  • Catch up on my blogging
  • Colour in
  • Do a crossword puzzle
  • Draw
  • Enjoy the winter sunshine
  • Explore new areas
  • Gather ideas for Inspiring Max
  • Listen to different bird calls
  • Play a board game
  • Play solitaire with cards
  • Read a romantic comedy
  • Reconnect with what it was like living in regional New South Wales
  • Relive childhood memories
  • Sleep in
  • Smell the ocean
  • Smell the flowers beginning to burst as Spring is around the corner
  • Swim
  • Visit regional art galleries
  • Walk on beach
  • Watch a girly movie
  • Work on my book

It has been  a great week staying in one place, catching up with myself and expand my experience of my amazing homeland, Australia.

Never Helpless

Helplessness: that dull, sick feeling of not being the one at the reins. When did you last feel like that –- and what did you do about it?

I don’t ever feel helpless. If I feel something needs to change in a situation I think outside the square to find an answer to the problem. Sometimes the leader may require help, I may need more explanation of what is really going on or life may have suddenly taken a tragic turn that needs managing. Whatever the reason feeling helpless just takes away my power. I hope you enjoy the following acrostic poem of how I turn HELPLESS into HOPE.

Hopeful an alternative could be found

Eager and encouraged to look for a solution

Liberated to have an idea

Pleased to put it forward

Liking the response I received

Empathetic to our leader

Safe in the knowing

Self-doubt didn’t stop me finding hope


Describe your personal style, however you’d like to interpret that — your clothing style, your communication style, your hair style, your eating style, anything.

Empowering others is the basis of my communication and managing styles. My theme is “I teach people to fish, I don’t feed them fish.”

By teaching people to do things for themselves, they develop an understanding that their choices change their outcomes. They learn to set goals and realise they can achieve them by breaking the goal down into doable pieces. They have the power.

Sometimes the type of fishing or skills someone needs to learn can be difficult or slow to learn. But I don’t give up. I empower them to persevere and reap their rewards, however long it takes. By believing the other person can learn the skill and spending time to guide them on their personal journey I see them blossom and achieve things they initially never thought possible.

I love the fact that often as their confidence increases people choose to teach the skills I have taught them to others—keeping the chain of empowerment moving forward.