
2012-08-09 10.38.08


Despite summer being two weeks away in Australia and yesterday temperatures reaching 41 degrees Celsius—warmth is a topic I find hard to express without winter. My photo choice depicts the chiminea my husband and I keep warm by on a winter weekend evening.

We enjoy its warmth while planning our week ahead. There is something mesmorising and relaxing about watching the flames dance—they warm you from the inside out.


The Modern Day Campfire

Throughout history the campfire has been central to the families well-being, providing warmth, food and light. Watching the flames dance is also mesmerizing.

Last year we decided to return to this family tradition and purchased a Chiminea. Initially, we were unsure how often we would use it but from day one, we were hooked. The first time it was lit my husband and daughter (the impatient ones), decided they had waited long enough for me to come home, so on my return I found them out the back looking very cozy, drink in hand watching the fire. I quickly joined them however there was one problem—someone needed to get dinner.

Over the past year, we have worked hard to find a way to cook diner in our Chiminea. The answer turned out to be simple. Place a few fire bricks at the back of the Chiminea and rest a good quality heat resistant grill pan (one that fits into the front hole) on them.

Personal wood-fire pizza oven

Personal wood-fire pizza oven

Finally, the big day came. We were testing our theory by making our own wood-fired pizza in our ‘oven.’ Using a shop bought pizza base and my daughters favourite toppings—we were ready to test our experiment. “Would it work?” “Yes or no, this was the question.” The first one worked perfectly and tasted amazing. We were excited as the possibilities seemed endless.

Tasted as good as it looks

Tasted as good as it looks

Now we can cook outside, like the cavemen before us and we never have to leave the fire. Do you cook in your Chiminea? If so, what do you cook? I would love to hear your ideas.