Coffee Catch-up #6

If we were having coffee I would tell you how I am enjoying getting back into regular blogging by participating in Blogging from A – Z 2016. My theme is loosely based around Australia and my travels, so it has been fun remembering and sharing my knowledge and fun. Despite being a bit behind I will complete the task by the end of April.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how surprised I was to find white spots on the underside of the water filter when I finally changed it last night, later than it was meant to be changed. My son is convinced it’s just the charcoal changing colour and I am happy to go with that theory as the thought of me swallowing anything else filtered through my water is a bit much for me to cope with.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that this week I clicked over 20,000 views on my blog. When I started Inspiring Max less than 2 years ago I didn’t dream this was possible. Now I ask myself how long will it take me to reach 50,000 views and I tell myself that if I work hard at it, maybe 18 months. I would also tell you how grateful I am for my regular followers as well as random viewers I receive. I would also tell you that I love that my blogging community grows daily.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how frustrated I am with the inconsistencies around new parking laws in Australia. In New South Wales at least I was recently booked for parking less than 10 metres from the curb. The ironic thing was that my daughter and I had discussed in the morning the distance we were parked from the curb and estimated it to be 10 metres. However looking more closely, after the fine, we realized we had parked less than 10 metres from the curb, but we weren’t happy that all the cars parked on the 4 corners of that street should have been booked not just us — no one else was.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how much I enjoyed catching up with our special friends last Saturday drinking French champagne together. I am grateful to have special friends that even though we only catch-up with them randomly these days due to commitments with life, we always just pick up from where we left off after our last visit.


If we were having coffee I would ask you what you have been up to this last week, let me know in the comments.