Let’s get organised. This is going to be my focus from now until the 2021. If 2020 is remembered for anything, I want it to be making a road map for my new life.
In general, I am a happy, positive, successful person. However, there is another side to me. I am a great procrastinator and leave many things to the last minute. The side effect of the later is that many things I start or want to start don’t get completed.
So to help motivate me on September 13, Positive Thinking Day, I am going to use the following quote.

Prior to going on holidays, I was exhausted and my life seemed to involve: work – rest repeat. The resting part however involved hours of watching TV. This was a habit I have only recently developed and although it was fun, it didn’t make me the best version of myself. In hindsight, I needed an injection of organisation.
Since returning from holidays where I broke these bad habits, I have returned to blogging and I am motivated to do things differently. As part of my work life, I am frequently telling others that they need to prioritize what they want to have in their life. So now it is my turn to take my own advice.
My secret mantra will be: Prioritize! Prioritize!Prioritize!
To help I have a new way to focus on my accountability when it comes to my organisational skills. After all, I only have me to blame.
Meal Preparation
Does anyone else want to join me in reclaiming 2020 for good?