What is the perfect pizza?
I like a spicy pizza but not your ordinary Mexicana. When I make a pizza at home it has a pesto, chilli sauce and tomato paste base topped with the following ingredients:
- roast pumpkin
- roast sweet potato
- roast capsicum
- olives
- cherry tomatoes
- feta cheese
- jalapenos
- dried chilli flakes
- fresh capsicum
- bacon/chicken/hot salami/pepperoni (which mix of these meats I use depends on my mood)
Once my pizza is cooked, I top it with rocket, sour cream and avocado (if I have any.)
What is your favorite time of day?
My favourite time of day varies depending on what I have on but it is always based on the one thing – ME TIME. I love the quiet time each day when I can do whatever I choose. It keeps me sane in this crazy world.
Show us two of your favorites photographs? The photos can be from anytime in your life span. Explain why they are your favorite.
I love this photo of me taken on one of the bridges crossing the Ottawa River, Canada. As we walked from the Quebec side of the river back into Ontario I am not sure which state I am standing in at the time but as we loved them both, it doesn’t matter. It also reminds me of the fun we had walking in the first serious snow we had during our 6 week trip to Canada. We kept believing it would come and eventually it did. I think it was also the last time I wore those jeans as they finally wore themselves out in Canada after over 10 years of faithful service. The colouful hat scarf I am wearing I made close to 30 years ago and is very unique. It remains in good condition however, as Australia doesn’t have enough days cold for me to wear it in.
This photo the original of Inspiring Max’s profile picture was taken 5 years ago from Melbourne’s Aquatic Centre. My daughter and I were there for her last School Sports Australia Diving competition which marked the end of an era for us. At the time there was a lot of difficult things happening in our lives that got worse as the year progressed. However, never being one to focus on the negative, if I needed an extra boost of positivity that everything would be alright in the end, I would get out my double rainbow, feel inspired and keep going.
Another thing I love about this photo is that it was one of the first photos I have taken that I was really proud of as you can see the individual rainbow colours on both sides.
Complete this sentence: I’m looking forward to….
moving back to Newcastle and commencing nursing in a new hospital. I have been working towards this for over 12 months and now it is getting very close.
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
My husband starting his new job and getting together with my family without having to rush back to Sydney to work. In the next eek I am looking forward to my future employment being confirmed and maybe even a start date given.
Share Your World – 2016 Week 29
Great pictures!! Good luck on returning to the hospital to work and congrats on your husband’s new job!
Thank you. Its an exciting time.
That sounds like a very different pizza than I’ve ever seen. I had to look up capsicum and found it was what we call a red pepper (I love those).
I love the double rainbows. I saw one after dropping my oldest off at school and pulled into the parking lot to watch the show. It lasted about 30 min and was ever changing. I wrote a post about it so I can also go back and see the show again (unfortunately WordPress did not like the pictures from my iPhone and half of them are sideways – Ugh!!!). They are amazing.
So excited for you with your family’s move. It sounds like it is the place you want to be and are looking forward to it. I’ll enjoy reading of your new adventures there.
I’ve had the same problem with photos going sideways and I haven’t found the solution yet either. I made up my pizza recipe but it is very tasty and quick to do if we have recently had a baked dinner and have left over pumpkin and sweet potato.
Those toppings sound great. And I love your pictures
Thank you
Thanks so much for sharing. I adore your photos.