Share Your World – 2014 Week 37

1. List three pet peeves.

  • Any repetitive noises such as all varieties of mouth noises, clicking the end of the pen and tapping feet or fingers.
  • Being deliberately ignored be someone you know or have known. Being pleasant and courteous is a form of respecting yourself and your own boundaries. It make you the bigger person and life so much easier for everyone around you.
  • Television or music on in the house when no one is focusing on it. I love the quiet as it helps me to relax.

2. What makes you unique?

There are a few things that make me unique:

  • I was born at one minute to midnight—something my mother predicted before my birth.
  • I am double-jointed in my fingers, something I thought was very special as a child but I now realise so are many other people.
  • I began working in mental health at the age of 18, straight form high school which is unusual. Even as a young woman I have used my sense of humour to connect with people quickly,even in difficult situations.
  • I am a good judge of character and have a natural psychic ability, which allows me to trust my own instincts.
  • I believe in the universal law of attraction where you thoughts create your world. This is why I rephrase negative thoughts quickly and look for the positive in all situations.

3. What would be your ideal birthday present and why?

Since I turned 50 my ideal birthday present is a holiday. Be it an overseas trip or a mini-break, I love to get away from my regular world, exploring and connecting with nature. This present re-energises me and prepares me for the year ahead.  When I was younger and if going away was not possible, I refused to work on my birthday and would celebrate with champagne alone if necessary. Fortunately, in my 34 years of working, I have only been required to work on two birthdays. On both of these occasions, I made sure everyone I worked with knew it was my special day, so we had some special times—it’s the Leo in me I think.

4. Which way does the toilet paper roll go? Over or under.

To be honest until this question came up on another blog last week, I had never given it much thought. At the time I decided that my preferred is over and now I find myself mindfully checking the toilet roll to check it is the right way.

What are you grateful for last week and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week I was grateful to be able to attend Hay House Writers Workshops in Sydney. It was held over  two days and inspired me to focus on completing my book and getting it published. Next week I am looking forward to settling in to working on the eating disorders unit again for the first time in five years—this time as the manager.