I love Californian Redwoods. So when I saw that there was a small plantation of them in Australia I was so excited. My previous Redwood experience was in Rotorua, New Zealand.
Redwoods are the world’s tallest trees. They were planted in the Great Otway National Park in 1936 as an experiment. They have totally thrived here.
I find it so peaceful standing under these majestic trees. They are so straight and just keep going into the sky. They are a tree I can’t resist the urge to give a hug. The forest floor under Redwoods is also very different to anywhere else. It is always only filled with fallen Redwood leaves as nothing else seems to grow there. I personally find this a beautiful sight. Unfortunately it was late in the afternoon when we visited so I couldn’t spend hours with them. I would have also loved to have camped next to them but this was prohibited.
So tall and beautiful and huggable yas…
Hav fun 🙂
Dropping by from a to z “The Pensive”
So pretty!
Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: R