Very Inspiring Blogger Award

A very big thank you to Marilyn from Write Beside the Sea for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I am excited and honoured to receive this award from a fellow blogger and grateful people are finding my thoughts inspiring—my goal. Write By The Sea is a blog that  covers a range of topics—including books she has read and is  worth dropping by.

Here are the guidelines for the award:

Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.

List the rules and display the award.

Share seven facts about yourself.

Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated  you.

Share seven facts about yourself.

1. I started this blog on Mother’s Day as a present to myself. I had been planning it for a while and suddenly decided to take the risk. I am so pleased I did.

2. I am currently editing my book on eating disorder recovery, which I hope will be ready to publish next year.

3. August is my favourite month because of my birthday. It also means Spring is nearly here and I love the flowers blooming and the baby animals.

4. I can knit in the dark.

5. I love road trips to the country looking for inspiration—it’s everywhere.

6. Inspired by this award I started my Facebook page for Inspiring Max.

7.I love to travel independent of organised tours. Seeing real people in their natural environment, it’s scarier at times but more rewarding.

My 15 Nominations are:

B’s Words



Wendy’s Window to the World

My Simple Blog

Unconventional Adventures

Love Happy Notes

Greatsnaps,Goodtimes & Me

Mellow and the Wildling

Tryingsohardtobegood’s Blog

So This is Thirty nine

Meredith’s Musings

Celebrating Sunshine

Macs Moments

Kate’s Clippings

Take a Risk

Walt Disney

Have you every wanted to do something new but became stuck because you feared failing or falling down. Nothing is ever achieved without taking a risk—being vulnerable—possibly falling. Walt Disney’s advice is as relevant today as when it was written. Remember, it is what you learn from falling and getting back up that matters. Yes, at times you may be frustrated and your pride may be a little battered, but look back after you get up, shake yourself off and see what you have achieved. Learning what not to do is as important as learning what to do. Sometimes we only think we know the best way to do something and by falling we are shown a better way. One that we would have missed had we stayed on our feet.

Do whatever it takes to step out of your comfort zone.  Start by taking baby steps, if necessary, towards your short, medium or long term goals. There are many safe ways to fall, take chances and get back up quickly if you want to soften your landing. Get advice from others who may already be on your journey, but in the end you need to manage your fears and take a risk.

Secret Cafe and Restaurant

Have you ever been to a place that exceeds your expectations? The Secret Cafe, Lithgow did it for me. Nestled into a tranquil and secluded gully, the cafe and restaurant is part of a 200 acre native wildlife sanctuary for endangered Australian animals—Spotted-tailed Quoll, Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby, Swamp Wallaby, Brush Turkey and Pure-bred Dingo are all found here.

Although it is just 5 minutes away from Lithgow’s city centre, this secret location does take a bit of finding. However, when you realise you are on the right track you are well rewarded.The first thing we noticed was the cars lining both sides of the dirt road as they overflowed from the carpark due to the busy lunch time rush. Our visit was six weeks after major bush fires swept through the Blue Mountains and this gully saw their full force.The sight of burnt gum trees all the way to the building doors indicated how close they had come.

2013-12-01 14.54.03The Australian menu was enjoyed by most in the cafe except us as we had come not for a meal, but to enjoy coffee with the animals, which did not disappoint. Out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly saw a sight I will never forget. A kangaroo eating off the plate of another patron. This was what we had come to experience—eating with the animals—although not the way I expected it to happen. This truly was a secret Australian experience.

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On leaving we were also entertained by an emu in a pen near the front walkway and by the carpark behind a wire fence, a beautiful albino dingo actually came to me when I called it. I couldn’t believe my luck. Short of time, we were unable to stay any longer at this inspiring location, however we will return, take the sanctuary tour and discover more about the work they are doing to save endangered Australian animals.


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Share Your World – 2014 Week 24

What makes you feel the most secure?

I feel the securest when I am home in my pajamas and UGG slippers sitting in my recliner chair, under my home made knitted rug. Before his passing in January this year, you could complete picture by adding our cat, Yoda, sitting on my lap. I was excused from a lot of work because the cat choose to sit on me.

If you were a shoe, what kind would you be and why?

I am a unique and practical sort of girl so no heels for me. Loving colour, I would be a multicoloured, everyday shoe that could cover many outfit styles. I would be very comfortable and hopefully fit into the MBT ( for human movement) designer range that works all your muscles and are described as the most comfortable shoes on earth. Having several pairs I would have to agree.

How many languages do you you speak?

English only although I did learn French in high school to Higher School Certificate level, and I am hoping to pick it up again as I visit Montreal and Quebec at Christmas.

What was the largest city you have been to?  What is the one thing you remember most?

Last year we spent a great week visiting Ghangzhou, China which has a population of 14,000,000 people. The thing I remember the most is how easy it was to get around on the train system as the announcements were in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.  Train stations were also located near every main tourist attraction. We were also excited to be able to connect to Facebook in the international hotel, as this is blocked in most of China.

Share Your World – 2014 Week 24

My Ideal Life

Today inspiration for Writing 101 is taken from a word that jumps off page 29 of the closest book and write a letter to it. My book is Jack Canfield’s “The Success Principles” and the word or in this case phrase that jumped out is “ideal life.” 

Dear Ideal Life,

I have thought about you long and hard. What difference would you make to me and are you worth the effort? My decision is that having you, ‘my ideal life’ compared to an ordinary life, would keep me achieving, having fun and moving forward, allowing me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. I realise I don’t need to know exactly how to get you. But if I continue to focus on what I can do, who knows where our journey will end. For me, you would involve the following areas:

1. Family – The most important aspect of you—my ideal life is having my family—happy and healthy around me and enjoying quality time with them.

2. Career – My ideal career involves being a motivational speaker and empowering people to make changes in their life that improves its quality. As a result of this rewarding career, I would be challenging myself and stretching my comfort zone.

3. Personal Values – My ideal life involves working with my top personal values:

  • Gratitude
  • Honesty
  • Positivity
  • Self-Respect
  • Creativity.

4. Writing – Over the last few years I have increased my writing and it gives me an outing for my creativity. Commencing blogging has opened this even further and I look forward to where you take this area in the future.

5. ME Time – This invigorates me and recharges my batteries. I love being alone in a totally quiet house.

6. Finances – I thank you in advance, my ideal life, for supplying me enough money to live comfortably, not having to worry about money and to afford to travel overseas yearly.

7.  Health – As I continue to age, I am grateful to remain fit and healthy, with minimal medical intervention required.

8. Toastmasters – Being to be a toastmaster allows me to grow and learn with an international organisation designed to improve my public speaking as well as my leadership skills. Associating with like minded people helps motivate my creative side.

At present, I do not have all of these areas covered, however I am working with most of them. As I continue to grow please provide more opportunities so that I can fully appreciate all that you—my ideal life—has to offer.

Thoughtfully and in gratitude

Inspiring Max

Places To Go

Part 2 of the Lost and Found Series

As our children are eighteen months apart, growing up they were like twins. The younger one thought she could, and did do everything her brother did. This meant our transition from nappy era to adventure era was smooth and seamless. Thankfully, there was no time that involved an activity only suited to one child.

Working ten hour night duties allowed me to earn maximum pay for minimum time, and spend the remaining six days a week with the family. We had our ‘working’ week was well structured with lots of flexibility.

  • Monday – Adventures
  • Tuesday – Sleep/childcare
  • Wednesday – Friend to our house
  • Thursday – Mother’s group
  • Friday – Adventures

The kids and I loved the new life we had found, poor daddy had to work most of the time but joined us when he could. Our favourite place to go was Taronga Zoo, which we did regularly, as we were “Friends of the Zoo”. This membership was equivalent to the price of two zoo entry tickets and allowed us to go everyday if we wanted to for no extra cost.

Taronga Zoo was an hour away from our home, which gave us plenty of time to get excited by singing, “Mummy’s taking us to the zoo and we can stay all day,” our version of the classic Peter, Paul and Mary song.

Other places, our regular adventures took us were to Kindy gym, Playgroup and the ballroom at Macquarie Shopping Centre. The kids loved to hide under all the balls and ‘swim’ to  different spots, just to confuse me. As I no longer needed the nappy bag everywhere we went, planning didn’t need to be as specific and we could extend our adventures, wherever and whenever, we pleased. We loved following Dr Suess’s advice.

“You’re off to Great Places

Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting,

So………..get on your way!’

                            Oh, The Places You’ll Go

Part 2

Part 1


“Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start.” Sound of Music

“How do you know where to start making changes or what path to take?” “Are there any guarantees in life?” These are questions regularly asked of me. The answer is “you don’t know” and “nothing is certain except death and taxes.” So how do you start to make your own path? Everything you do has choices and consequences. How you respond to any situation, either positively or negatively, makes the difference as well as your belief in yourself. Let’s look at a scenario I heard the other day for some ideas.

“I want to believe in myself, but I don’t know where to start” said Jane.

“There is never going to be a perfect place to start” said Mary.

“Where would you start if you were in my situation, Mary?” asked Jane.

“What is most important to you at present? What do you believe you are good at?” replied Mary.

“I believe I am a good friend, and that I am there for others when they need me,” said Jane.

“Then, maybe one way you could start to believe in yourself, is to acknowledge to yourself that you are a good friend to others. Recognise what it means to you to be a good friend? Once you have your list of attributes of a good friend, start being a good friend to yourself. Believe that you are worthy and give yourself the same advice that you would give to your friends, being as kind to yourself as you would be them.” said Mary.

Jane replied “I think I can use that as my place to start. Thanks.”

Day 12

Home, Sweet, Home

When I was twelve, I had been living in the home my parents designed, for six years. Our previous home was an old coalmine managers cottage with no hot water, so we were excited. We moved into our new address, in the new subdivision of Kotara South, part of Newcastle, N.S.W. in November 1968.

Our home, built on the topside of a steep slope was large, brick veneer and split level. The driveway was steep. Something my mother discovered years later, when she was walking behind her car parked on the driveway, when I, not having seen her, began reversing and gently nudged her, causing her to run down the driveway. Unable to stop, she landed in the neighbour’s garden— across the road.

The house was unusual. It had a one and a half car garage underneath, dug into the clay, which the rest of the house was built on. A brick wall took centre stage out the front to create a private area for my grandmother, who lived, in her own room at the side of the house—a space to sit. She required a walking frame so she didn’t go far and enjoyed sitting in the sun.

From the concrete sun area, you walked up approximately ten stairs to the front porch and entrance to the house. The first level contained the bedrooms.  Across the front of the house, as it faced west, were the bathrooms, toilet and linen cupboard to minimise the window area, and keep the house cool.

The second level joined by five stairs in the middle of the house, led to the dining room and kitchen on the right hand side. On the centre left hand side was a courtyard to provide natural light to the dining room, my parents bedroom, as well as the lounge room. The laundry was only accessible from the back area outside the house and was behind my grandmother’s room.

The backyard was large and rustic looking.  A big gum tree was in the centre of the backyard, next to the Hills Hoist clothes line and provided plenty of shade. The yard also contained a fibro cubby house my father built, a swing set, sand pit and an above ground pool. An outdoor brick incinerator, was how we recycled our paper waste in those days and we would use the ash from the fire to feed the garden. Behind the incinerator was the only part of the yard we kids were not allowed—a large wood heap.

Day 11

The Club

I enter the foyer of my local RSL (Returned and Services League) Club. The lady behind the front desk greets me with a smile, wave and “thank you” as I flash her my membership card. Tonight is unusual. I can only see half a dozen small groups in the club.

All of a sudden at 6pm the lights are dimmed and a male voice asks everyone to stand, face the flame and remember the returned service men and women who gave their lives for our country. A list is read of those whose anniversary of their passing is today, then in unison we recite “The Ode of Remembrance” which is the fourth stanza from the poem “For the Fallen” by Laurence Binyon.

“They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them.”

I find this a humbling experience every time, and it never tires in importance to me.

Formalities complete and my respect shown, I  survey the area as I eat my nachos and wait for my friends. In my immediate area, which at times seats up to 100 people, there are two other gentlemen seated alone. The one to my right, is aged approximately 60 years and reading the local newspaper while enjoying his beer. The other gentleman, sitting directly in front of me, looks well into his 80’s and like he had had a hard life. He sits sipping water from his paper cup, and reminds me of someone well known to the club. My thoughts prove correct five minutes later, when he wanders over to the younger gentleman and says “goodnight.” The younger gentleman then replies,  “Hey, George did you know you can watch the World Cup from your bed, I’m going too.” George replied “Not me mate, I like to go to bed early so I can get up early,” and with that he left for the evening.

Tonight, the 70’s music is loud and pleasant. At present, Abba’s “Thank you for the Music” is playing and I can hear someone singing in the background. Is it the lack of noise from patrons making the music seem louder? Maybe.

The large room is brightened by the televisions lining the walls with their sound turned down. Tonight, no-one appears to be watching them however, they are welcoming.

I am unsure why the club is so quiet tonight. My friends and I are the last to leave and it is only 8.30pm. Maybe it’s the weather – it is winter and cold outside, or maybe everyone is staying home to get up early and watch the opening ceremony and first game of the 2014 World Cup.

Day 8

Getting Through Tough Times

Everyone has them, “tough times”. They cannot be avoided however,during my latest run of “tough times” I discovered a powerful quote by St Francis of Assisi which really helped.


St Francis Quote


Following St Francis of Assissi’s  advise makes it easier not to get overwhelmed during difficult times. Sometimes at the start of a crisis, very little is possible.  All you can do is absorb what has happened. This is true particularly when coping with the loss of a loved one or friend. Allow yourself to be in shock, numb and use this time to make a basic plan of what needs to be done. Remember, although you may want everything fixed instantly, somethings can’t be rushed and healing takes time.

As time passes, the actual time elapsed will vary for everyone, you will move from only dealing with the necessities to looking into new possible ways of  getting through your “tough time.” The healing will be commencing and if you are coping with a loss of a loved one or friend, you can remember the good times and using laughter, you can help your body heal.

Eventually, looking back you realise that you have done the impossible and although your world has changed forever, you have recovered from your “tough time” and you have grown as a person in the process. This is the silver lining to your dark cloud, and helps you to realise that you are stronger than you think.

Thanks for the advice St Francis.