Control Your MInd

“If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere,” goes the famous song about New York City. Is there a place — a city, a school, a company — about which you think (or thought) the same? Tell us why, and if you ever tried to prove that claim.

Success begins in our minds. We decide our own fate. Whether we make it or not is up to us. It is our responsibility to control our thoughts. In response, our thoughts will control our outcomes.

Jack Canfield asks “do you take 100% responsibility for your life?” I believe if you want to make it, you need to take 100% control of your self-belief.

Decide what you want to do and control your self-doubt. You can’t make it in New York City or anywhere else with self-doubt driving you. Your mind controls your success, so control your mind. Five years ago, I began writing my book on eating disorder recovery. Initially, I was excited. I was doing what I always wanted to. Then suddenly, the more I wrote, the more I doubted others would be interested in what I had to say. My self-doubt had kicked in, but I didn’t let it stop me.

“What right do you have to be writer? Who wants to read what you have to say anyway?” said my self-doubt.

“Of course, I have something valuable to say. I have helped people with my advice for years” I replied.

This was a regular conversation/argument in my brain. However, over time the more I wrote, the easier it was to shut down my self-doubt. From here my self-confidence and self-belief grew. Allowing me to share my work with others, receive positive feedback and take my journey to the next level by self-publishing next year.

So, wherever or in whatever field you want to make it, remember the first step to making it, is to control your mind.




Countdown To Christmas

‘Tis the season for suspense-building lists.

‘Tis the season to be jolly. This year however, it took a long time to come. After 12 months of planning, my husband and I are exploring Canada on our countdown to our first white Christmas.

As Australians, the usual question is “how hot will Christmas day be? or “will the bush fires stay away till at least boxing day?” This year the question is “will it snow on Christmas day and how cold will it be?” As we are having Christmas day in Old Quebec City one of the top places in the world to guarantee snow falling as well as being on the ground, we are hopeful.

Just a week ago we began our grand adventure and countdown to Christmas.

We are fascinated by life in Northern Hemisphere, eating afternoon tea in a house older than our country, adjusting to walking on snow and ice as well as trying and learning about new things.

Our six week Canadian adventure includes visiting:

1. St John’s Newfoundland

2. Halifax, Nova Scotia

3. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

4. Moncton, New Brunswick

5. Montreal, Quebec

6. Kingston, Ontario

7. Toronto, Ontario

8. Niagara Falls, Ontario

9. Old Quebec City, Quebec

10. Ottawa, Ontario

Whilst we will be missing our usual Christmas traditions, we are proud to be sharing new ones with others half a world away.

103 - Lake Quidi Vidi

View over Quidi Vidi Lake, Newfoundland

133 - Govt House at night + with snow

Christmas Tree Government House St John’s

Supplies Aussie Style

We’ve all been asked what five objects we’d take with us to a desert island. Now it’s your best friend’s (or close relative’s) turn to be stranded: what five objects would you send him/her off with?

The phone rang. It was my mother. She was letting me know that one of our relatives was stranded on a desert island. Being practical, I had been voted the family representative to send supplies. After careful consideration, I sent the following 5 items to help our loved one get through.

1. Large bag of flour – this can be used to make a damper ( flour, salt and water) cooked in a camp fire into a bread. This insures my relative can eat daily.

2. Billy – a metal tin or cooking pot complete with wire handle used to boil water or cook over a campfire. This allows water to be boiled ensuring it is clean and safe to drink.

3. Box of waterproof matches – to make sure a fire can be lit in all conditions.

4. Multi-purpose tool – a portable tool including a hammer, screwdriver, pliers, saw, knife and other associated tools that may come in handy. This tool would allow my loved one to build a shelter for protection.

5. Vegemite – no Australian should be stranded on a desert island without Vegemite, our national spread. It is an Aussie staple and  full of vitamins. Uses for Vegemite include being spread on the damper or dissolved in water as an alternate hot drink.

I hope they get home safely soon.   I would love to know how helpful my items were.


Writing Streak

What’s the longest stretch you’ve ever pulled off of posting daily to your blog? What did you learn about blogging through that achievement, and what made you break the streak?

Blogging is an art and a passion. Since returning to my blog in late August, I have posted on 96 of the last 98 days. This score anywhere else would give me a high distinction, my first ever. The two single days I missed were in early September and since then I have decided to commit to blogging daily.

As I am developing my online voice, I am learning inspiration comes in many ways. It is everywhere. Now I noticed things to blog about so much that on many occasions I have posted twice a day. The more I do this, the more I connect with my audience, which I love and helps me to understand  what interests them and develop stronger relationships.

Ironically, as I am on holidays in Canada seeking new inspiration to blog on, I may at times be unable to keep up my current blogging schedule. Not to worry, either way flexibility is the key. Blogging needs to add to my life not make it stressful. Thanks for visiting my world.

Way Out

You were caught in an avalanche. To be rescued, you need to make it through the night. What thought(s) would give you the strength to go through such a scary, dangerous situation?

As an Australian, I am unfamiliar with avalanche safety procedure. However, I won’t be giving up easily. In this situation, I am assuming that I am alone and know that help is on the way. With this in mind, my first thoughts are the same as in any crisis.

St Francis of Assisi quote

Start by doing what is necessary. In this situation, what is necessary is to stay alive. Breathe. Breathe deeply and regularly.  This is will keep me calm. The other essentials for life are to remain warm and awake.  These will also be the only things possible, so I will focus my thoughts on reasons to live.  I will do this by reliving special memories, making future goals and planning a holiday. Anything that is positive and pro-life.

Negative thoughts are out. I believe in positive thinking and all my energy is harnessed in a positive direction.


It has worked. I can hear help coming. Now to put my goals and plans into action. Thanks for the reminder of how precious life is and how easily it can change.

Making A List

I am not a big list maker. Usually I have a handful of things I need to do everyday, which I can prioritise and organise in my head. However, when I have many things on my to-do-list and limited time—I create a list. The more things I need to do, the quicker I start my list.

When writing my list, I always add more things than I originally thought. Partly, I think that this is because I get on a role and partly it is because I want a few small things on my list I can tick off quickly.

I find this empowering. If I have 3-5 things I can complete in  the first two days—I am more likely to focus on achieving my goal.  Rather than only thinking about it with no follow through plans.

Adding some things I have already completed before writing my list, helps too as it shows my progress. Where possible I break  big jobs down into smaller tasks. This allows them to be marked off quickly and helps my moving forward momentum.

If you are always forgetting things or need help prioritising, make lists of the tasks required—daily, weekly or monthly—whatever works for you.


How would you cope if you were unable to access social media on a daily basis. Your choice was taken away. It is an interesting experience, which forces you to re think your priorities.

For the last two years, my husband and I have spent a week living in regional China—a place where everyone lives under the same rules. Everything is controlled by the government. This means Facebook is blocked and Google appears more limited than usual. Suddenly I felt isolated even though I knew ahead of time that this was the situation. I wasn’t blogging at the time so do not know about access to WordPress.

My adjustment was quick and as I had no choice I decided to immerse myself in the quiet. No knowledge of the outside world for at least a week, maybe two. As we were travelling alone in parts of the world that few white people go, most Chinese speak limited if any English, and we were unable to understand Chinese TV our communication was limited. We only had each other. I loved the silence and started to realise the time media and social media wastes.

When we arrived at our international hotel in Ghangzhou, by accident my husband discovered that we had access to Facebook again. I was so excited that this become my status update. On Facebook in China, I can’t believe it. We suddenly were connected to our world again. It did feel like we were breaking rules and definitely changed our holiday. We could find out what was happening at home and could communicate with other people again. This was fun but I am glad we got to experience the forced silence—it taught me a lot.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Angular

 Not to put too fine a point on it, though this week, we challenge you to show us what “angular” means to you.

2013-09-11 21.03.52

2013-09-11 21.01.47

2013-09-11 21.01.59

2013-09-11 21.01.30

Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street—one of Guangzhou’s popular shopping precincts is full of angles and bright lights. Our hotel was on this stretch, which allowed us to enjoy it regularly.

When Harry Met Sally

When Harry meet Sally is a classic movie from 1989. It is a story about friendship, dating rules and a fear of intimacy. Everyone who saw the movie remembers the scene in the crowded cafe where Sally effectively fakes an orgasm, just to prove a point to Harry. It draws everyone in and then comes the iconic comedy line from the older lady—”I’ll have what she is having.”

I hadn’t realised how long it was since I had seen the movie until  my adult children on hearing the scene they came from upstairs to see what was going on—they couldn’t believe their ears. But what other themes does this movie about relationships address:

  • Bachelorhood
  • Coping with breakups
  • Dating scene
  • Grief and loss
  • Casual sex
  • Apologies
  • Anger management
  • Girlfriends
  • Fear of Intimacy
  • Fear of commitment
  • Guilt over relationships
  • New Years Eve traditions
  • Developing relationships
  • Commitment
  • Realising she/he is the one
  • Faking orgasms
  • Romance
  • The rules of dating
  • 80’s fashion
  • First Impressions
  • Embarrassment
  • Wanting Children
  •  Supportive Friends
  • Communication
  • Male Chauvinism
  • Male Bonding
  • Knowing it all behaviour

And for those who have never seen it or want to relive the experience—

Beating My Fear

When was the last time you took a risk (big or small), and pushed your own boundaries — socially, professionally, or otherwise? Were you satisfied with the outcome?

Technology scares me. I don’t understand it and it scares me. I had wanted to start a blog for several years and had done my research. I knew WordPress was the platform to use and in the long run I wanted a self-hosted blog. I didn’t know how to do it, but Google would show the way. Happy with this knowledge I woke up last Mother’s Day and decided today was the day—viola Inspiring Max was born.

I can still remember the feeling of posting my first blog post. It was awesome. I had taken my fear, turned it on its head and created something I was proud of.

Through my blogging journey I have developed my online voice and become more confident. When I tell people about my blog they look surprised, often stating that they would love to have one but don’t understand how they work or they think blogging is too difficult.

For all of my professional life, my private life has been hidden. Now with blogging, I am finding the balance. Although now to most people I blog anonymously, next year when my book is published—my identity will be revealed. I have adjusted to this by putting a little more of me into my blog. It doesn’t scare me now. I have grown with it. I followed Walt Disney advice when starting my blog and it has changed my life.

Walt Disney

Feel the fear and do it anyway—you never know where your journey will take you.