“Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense.” — Gertrude Stein
Do you agree?
From my experience never a truer statement has been said. I am pretty good at processing information and controlling my chaos however, occasionally it takes over. During these times it is usually obvious to everyone by the mess around me. My desk reflects the state of my brain. And suddenly, I don’t make sense. I say and do stupid things. My natural calm disposition has melted away along with my common sense—I don’t think I am alone here either.
So, what do I do?
When I am suffering from information overload, I recognise it quickly. I don’t feel in control. I take myself to a quiet place—even the toilet ill do, stand tall and make big circles with my hands. This centres me and works well. I attribute it to the science behind Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk—Your body language shapes who you are. I love that fact that our mind gives us ways to control information overload—if we let it. Next time you find yourself suffering from information overload —give it a try.
Hi there, I am not sure if you “do” blogging” awards, but if you do, you will hopefully be pleased to know that I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Here is where you can read the post: http://wp.me/p4Do1g-so.
All the best!
Hi Angie Thank you for the nomination. I will accept the award when I have time to prepare it.
Agreed. Too much information to keep up!
I personally like to keep it simple.
Hi, this blogging is all new to me and it can be a bit daunting at times; especially replying and sorting out e-mails. I just get up; make myself a herb tea; then focus on the priorities of the day; and then do them one at a time in order of there importance. Sometimes i just need a short breather and do something else, like water the flowers. Liked your blog, LOL Murray
Glad you liked it. It can get a bit addictive but there are worse ways to spend time.
Agree. We are all moving so fast that we are losing the ability to think, feel, and love. Information overload is causing us to become information processors, thus lean towards becoming more like the machines that we use. Perhaps we need to resist that.
I agree.
Thanks for this post reminder – my technique for too much information overload or stress is to go to the nearest bathroom and put my hands under running water – I find when I do this, I breathe deeply and reconnect again with my inner centre. When I re-emerge into the world, I’m me again. Have a beautiful day. Namaste
That is a great alternative. I think it is the deliberate disconnect that begins the process.