Happy Pill

If you could create a painless, inexpensive cure for a single ailment, what would you cure and why?

Working in mental health I would love to find a cure for low self-esteem. It is at the core of many illness and plays a major role in suicide and self-harm behaviours. Low self-esteem can be improved however it is usually a long, slow journey, which the person living with it struggles to believe is possible to change. This impacts their want to start as it seems to hard. By creating a painless, inexpensive  and quick cure for low self-esteem the impact of mental health would be lessened.

The side effect of being able to cure low self-esteem may be that factors causing low self-esteem such as bullying, abuse, relationship problems, high stress, perfectionism may lessen and stop the cycle repeating itself. Low self-esteem is like a spark that turns into a wild-fire in some people. If it can be limited to back burning in its fire intensity it is much easier to control and many lives would be saved.


10 thoughts on “Happy Pill

  1. Sadly, here in England suicide is the biggest killer of young men. I worked in an all boys school for 38 years and the number of victims I can think of as I sit here now is simply shocking. Mostly young students at university, alone out of the family circle for the first time, and unable to cope with the academic work. Not everybody can be a “Straight A student ” as the song says.

    • Unfortunately suicide is an international problem and young to middle age men have the highest rate. Part of the reason I think is their low self esteem and inability to fix the problem a male trait. Education and acceptance of gaining help for mental health issues hopefully will stop this loss of valued lives. The more we talk about it the more people will seek help and the problem will be normalised.

  2. low self esteem contributes in many negative behaviour… oh my God… i didn’t know this before… thanks for writing this…

    i’d like to share this post on facebook

    • Yes it is very powerful. I am glad you found the post helpful and am happy for you to spread the word, help fight this monster and hopefully bring more happiness into the world.

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