If we were having coffee I would tell you that this month is Inspiring Max’s 10th blogiversary. I can’t believe its been so long. I created my first blog post on Mother’s Day 2014. It was a celebration of mothers and what we are teaching our children. Interestingly, the current style of my blog posts isn’t that different to my first.
I can clearly remember the months before I started and the scary preparation needed to get her off the ground. Sending that first post into the blogosphere was such an achievement for me. Initially, I had no followers but slowly and surely I found my people. Over the years I have had approximately 40,000 views, nearly 22,000 visitors from just under 700 posts. Thank you for being part of my journey. I am grateful to you all.
If we were having coffee I would tell you in April we had a family getaway to celebrate a few significant birthdays. To make it a bit special we decided to make it an 80s party on the Saturday night. We all dressed 80’s style, ate 80’s foods and played 80’s music. It was so much fun. We were pleased that most family members could come for at least part of the weekend. We hired out a house in the country and despite the rain we had a great time.

I had a great time in the lead up creating 80’s themed props to add some sparkle to our party. I was pleased with how everything turned out.
If we were having coffee I would tell you that last Tuesday I as fortunate to go to Government House in Sydney for my step mother’s OAM investiture. This is a very special award given as part of the Australia Day Honours to Australians who have demonstrated outstanding service or exceptional achievement. It was a very special, well earned day. Her award was presented by Her Excellency the Honurable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that unfortunately I didn’t finish my A-Z challenge in April. I am not sure how I lost my focus but as I had already written most of my posts I will work hard to finish them realistically by the end of June. It was fun and everyone seemed to enjoy hearing about our unique travels in Australia.
If we were having coffee I would tell you I am in my final weeks of planning our trip to British Columbia, Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. We will be exploring these areas from late August and our trip will include an Alaskan cruise. If you know any hidden gems in these areas, please let me know so I can include them in our plan. Being only 13 weeks away it is getting exciting.
Thanks for hosting Natalie #weekendcoffeeshare
If we were having coffee I would ask you what is happening in your world?
If we were having coffee I would tell you that my granddaughter had her first dance recital last week. I am so proud. I did a car boot with my daughter yesterday, and it is nice to see that objects we don’t use any more will have a use again.
Congratulations to your step mother! And congrats for 10 years of blogging.
Thanks Trent. Life weirdly goes fast in some ways and slow in others.
An 80s-themed party is great. I went to a wedding party years ago that was the same theme and wow did we have fun.
Great theme for a wedding i think. Gets all ages involved.
Such exciting summer plans! Growing up I had an uncle that lived in Alaska, visiting him and his family are treasured memories. Enjoy your summer!