If we were having coffee today we can go to a coffee shop and sit down or you could come to my home. New South Wales is now open for anyone who can prove their vaccination status. In fact people were so excited last Monday when we opened up that they spent over 100 million dollars in 24 hours – going to the pub or eating out, having their haircut and going shopping. Some even lined up at midnight to do so. My week however hasn’t involved me doing much different although I did enjoy coffee sitting in the café today. Gyms have also reopened. From tomorrow we have even more freedoms. Now one of the few things we can’t do is travel from Sydney to the regions or reverse.
If we were having coffee I would tell you about the fun map of Newcastle I found today. It is on the side of the old Maritime museum and incorporates Newcastle’s history over the years. It isn’t to scale but was very detailed and reminded me of many things that I had forgotten.

If we were having coffee I would tell you my osteoarthritis flared up for the first time this week. I was diagnosed with a small amount of it in my hip 2 years ago but I’m guessing it has gotten worse. For no reason I woke up on Tuesday morning in a lot of pain and with a fever. In this day and age of course having a fever means you need a covid test which was negative. So with rest and pain relief it returned to normal. Eventually I will be able to have a new scan and see how much it has deteriorated but at present that will have to wait as our doctors live in Sydney and we cannot travel there yet.
If we were having coffee I would tell you that I walked past Cooks Hill Spoonville on my walk this morning. I was excited to see that the family of spoons had grown.

If we were having coffee I would ask you what is happening in your world.
Thanks to Natalie for hosting #weekendcoffeeshare.
100 million dollars in 24 hours! That’s amazing! But isn’t it lovely to have coffee or lunch out after a lockdown. In July I had my first lunch out since spring 2020, it felt unreal! Now Covid is getting worse here again and the season for sitting outside is basically over. But I’ve had some good moments this year.
Glad to hear NSW reopened and you can go out for coffee and such. Spoonville looks interesting. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.
Hi IM,
Well, you might want to reconsider asking how my week went. it was kinda nuts but had a good ending after some angst. I wanted to mention it in my coffee share but it turned out steeling the stage. Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out from behind the safety of your screen.
I’m very fond of maps and love the one you shared above. It’s also nice to hear that things are beginning to reopen again in NSW. Maybe that is day light at the end of this tunnel.
Love that map, it would be a fun and hard puzzle if it was one. Love the Spoonville. How cute.