If we were having coffee we would still be walking and drinking as our region is still locked down. The government is saying it will end only when 70% of the adults are double vaxxed. The catch is that this freedom will only be for the double vaxxed population. If you haven’t been able to have your first or second dose or you are an antivaxer you will not be able to travel, go to the pub or get your haircut. It will be interesting to see how these new freedom will impact the severity of Delta as we learn to live with it.
If we were having coffee I would tell you how excited I am with how our garden is growing. I have a never ending supply of rocket, chillies and several varieties of lettuce. Our wild cherry tomatoes are tasting great. Yesterday I was excited to eat my first snacking capsicum. I was also pleased to grow my first cos lettuce that formed a complete head. Usually I just have multiple leave and I don’t care as they taste great anyway.
If we were having coffee I would tell you about Wacky Wednesday a few weeks ago. The idea was relieve the frustrations for the staff and patients of the lock down. All staff wore their clothes in some sort of wacky manner. It was great fun and brought a smile to everyone faces. All of the staff on our ward had their hair coloured with hairspray. This was a first for me, as my hair had ever been pink, green, blue and yellow. In choosing my outfit I put together things that I didn’t think go together. However, to my surprise everything did go so I now have a alternate winter outfit.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how much fun I have been having this week getting out our original Wii. It has been many years since I last played it and I was pleasantly surprised when my Fitbit age was 41. My actual age is 59. Now to keep working at it and see how low I can make it go.
If we were having coffee I would tell you able the mask tree I found on my walk yesterday. It’s on a public walkway next to the harbour. To remind everyone to wear a mask and keep safe it has been decorated with multi-coloured disposable masks. The tree looks great but I don’t know where they got the masks from as I’ve only seen them in blue.

If we were having coffee I would ask you what has been happening in your world?
Thanks to Natalie for hosting #weekendcoffeeshare
Fun post, and great to see the positive side of the lockdown, the coloured masks and the hair! Brought a smile to my face. Huge envy on the lettuce front. Mine tend to bolt and I get this long lettuce….but your right the leaves still taste great.
For some reason most of ours have stopped bolting but I don’t know why. Thanks for visiting. Glad you enjoyed it.
Hi IM.
It was fun to read about your garden and I wish I had your know-how and the inclination to do such a garden.
I’ve been thinking about retasking the most open space in our backyard with a layout designed for a good garden but I also hope that we won’t be here long enough to do such a garden – so I’m stuck with crossed up goals here.
I don’t know for sure, but sense that Covid is somehow settling down here. Our church is back to meeting outside in a big tent, but stores are open along with restaurants with plenty of masking still in play. My own recovery from catching covid after being fully vaccinated continues and I’m thankful for such an easy time of it.
Question: we have in over-the-counter quick test kit available for anyone who wants to walk into a pharmacy and buy one. Do you have this option there? The kits seems to work well and actually was how we caught and quickly isolated me for having caught covid and not just another flu bug. We caught it early on and responded with a doctor visit and more detailed test followed by extra care to isolation and careful eating. I never required medical treatment despite being 66 and having 2 complicating conditions.
Hi Gary
Some work places have the quick tests. We call them rapid antigen tests but they are more for essential workers who need to prove that they don’t have covid. We have free covid testing places everywhere and are encouraged to get tested at even the slightest symptom or feeling slightly unwell. Glad you have had a not to bad a time of it I’m sure being vaccinated had a lot to do with that.
The garden started out as my thing but as my husband is now retired he is constantly making new plans for it and I’m not arguing. If you make the garden it might help in shifting the decision about the house. I have often found when I start going in a new direct after I don’t suddenly whatever I was waiting for comes.
Well done with your garden, IM. I’m glad you had fun with hair colours. Stay safe and well. Thank you for linking with #weekendcoffeeshare.