If we were having coffee I would tell you that this week is 7 years since I started Inspiring Max. My first blog post was Mother’s Day 11th May, 2014. Initially a slow start, it gathered momentum in 2015 and 2016. Now I need to regain my mojo and write consistently. No excuses. I just need to do it.
If we were having coffee I would wish mothers everywhere a happy Mother’s Day. This year mine was quiet as both my children live in different cities and couldn’t make it home. I did spend an hour with my mother which we both enjoyed.
If we were having coffee I would tell you on one of our recent road trips to Sydney we were stopped on the way back with the opening of the Swansea bridge. Lucky for me we were in the first row of traffic and therefore I could get some close up photos. The Swansea bridge opens to allow boats to pass through the channel either into or out of Lake Macquarie.

If we were having coffee I would tell you how well with our newest crops are growing. The ginger, my husband grew from a cutting and our never ending supply of long red chillies came from a small chilli bush. Both taste amazing and are perfect for the Asian style meals I like to cook.
If we were having coffee I would tell you about our family friend’s son’s wedding. It was held in the North Sydney area and the walk to and from gave us a different prospective of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The wedding itself was held in a room with a view at eye level of the bridge. It was special.
If we were having coffee I would ask you what has been happening in your world?
Thanks to Natalie for hosting Weekend Coffee Share so we can all get to know each other better.
Congrats on your 7 years of blogging – it;’s funny how we sometimes go in fits and starts isn’t it? I am a huge fan of blogging though and don’t mind the inconsistencies – we write when we can and have something to say! We used to live in Newcastle but it’s been years since I saw the Swansea bridge open. Happy Mother’s day to you too. I’ve spent the afternoon with Mum, as she moved to a town nearby about 6 months ago, and today she drove over and we went to a High Tea, great fun! #weekendcoffeeshare
It’s a new bridge now so it doesn’t rattle when you go over it anymore. It also seems to only open when boats book in rather than the old days when it opened at set times.
Congrats on your seventh blogiversary! I can totally understand you write in spurts. My current blog will turn three in July, but I’ve been blogging on WP for fourteen years. I totally love it!
I cannot see the pics of the bridge you post since I’m blind, but the view from the wedding location sounds breathtaking. Happy Mother’s Day to you and have a blessed week ahead.
Blogging is definitely a journey and I love the mix of people I meet online. It changes your prospective of the world. Thanks for stopping by and sharing my journey.
Congratulations on your 7 years of blogging! Beautiful photos of the bridges. Thank you for your coffee catch-up. #WeekendCoffeeShare
Hey IM,
7 years. . . Wow!
You make me feel like a newbie. I would not have known what to do do with a blog back in those days, as I was not writing regularly nor did I think I had anything to share with such a community. I got my blog into shape finally just yesterday and can sit back and let the format work its magic for a while now.
Congrats on that wedding. It was just last Oct. that our first born and the gal of his dreams decided they’d given enough time to Covid and collected a few of their closest friends and family to get married. It was a magic weekend and one we are so thankful for. The final icing on the cake of having and raising a child has to be seeing them happily and well-married.
May your son and your new daughter-in-law be soooo blessed.