If we were having coffee I would tell you how glad I am that it is now July because what a month June turned out to be. On top of everything I spoke about in my last coffee catch-up this month has continued to serve up curve balls to challenge us and make us stronger.
If we were having coffee I would tell you the reason I missed coffee last weekend was because I was in hospital after a major allergic reaction to antibiotics. I am rarely sick so the fact that I got an infection from an unknown source that wouldn’t go away was frustrating. Then, after a week of not getting better to change antibiotics, get sicker and end up in hospital was an eye opener for me. Initially, I looked very beautiful with my swollen face however with time and treatment my face has returned to normal. Each day I feel better, however I am looking forward to getting all my energy back soon.
If we were having coffee I would tell you that I taught myself to use Publisher this week. It has always been on my bucket list of things to do and I have looked at it many times before, but always gone back to Word – for me the simpler option. This time I persevered and once I got a handle on it I liked it. In fact, I liked it so much that I have decided to transfer my book to Publisher when I have finished this last edit to see how different it looks and increase my knowledge base of this tool. I may even use You tube and see what other secrets it can reveal. With a coy smile, I would also ask you if you have any Publisher experience or handy hints to share with me.
If we were having coffee I would tell you that despite everything I am loving the simpler, slower pace of life at the moment. Not having to rush anywhere, use what food we have and shop minimally is turning out for me to be very rewarding. Instead of buying a large amount of food on the weekend to make feeding the family quickly after a busy day commuting and working possible, we have made a daily plan together about what we eat based on what we have and suddenly we have so much more time. Because we aren’t rushing for some bizarre reason it takes us even less time to cook, we spend hardly any money on food and we are more creative with our ideas. Who knew?
If we were having coffee I would tell you how on the last day of June my husband discovered that the cat had a swollen left neck. We are so pleased June has ended as we don’t want any more surprises. Turns out the cat just wanted to be like me so he got himself an infection that needed antibiotics. No problem, a quick visit to Uncle Tom (his vet), a big needle and he was sorted.
If we were having coffee I would tell you how interesting it was for me to write my curriculum vitae this week. I have lost all previous copies so had to start from scratch and remember 30 years of history, experience and knowledge. It took me a day and a half but in the end I was very pleased with how it turned out. I am also grateful because I am moving back to my home town city and working on semi retirement, hopefully I won’t need to fill out another one, but hey never say never. None of us ever knows what the future holds. If I didn’t believe this before the June I’ve had, I certainly know it know.
If we were having coffee I would tell you how excited I was to be presented with my Toastmasters Triple Crown Award by the District Director at last weeks changeover meeting. It is a difficult award to achieve as you need to complete 3 educational awards. Last year I decided I was up for the challenge and I set it as my goal during my year as President of one of my club’s. I needed to keep focused and plan well but in the end everybody won and I have a super fancy pin to wear whenever I need an extra boast to be the best I can.
If we were having coffee I would ask you what is happening in your world this last fortnight?
Congrats on both Publisher (which is hard!) and Toastmasters!
Thank you.
Thanks for the plug for Publisher…I had been using the open source Scribus and, long before – early 90s long before that – that was a whiz with Pagemaker…I did not realise that Publisher was part of the Office365 pack til I read this edition of the Coffee Catchup…I have had a quick play with an imported project and it looks friendly enough…
Excellent. The more information we can share the better all our lives.
So sorry to hear about your allergic reaction. That must have been quite scary, despite your nursing background. I’ve known a few people who’ve had these reactions out of the blue and it’s much harder to deal with. My niece has severe allergies but Mum has an epipen, antihistamines and is very prepared and the whole family is educated. Her 6 year old brother has been taught how to use the epipen. I don’t think they’ve even had to use it. Ironically, her dad almost died from toxic poisoning from a tropical fish used in fish & chips but they had her meds in the car and he was in quite a lot of trouble.
Good luck with job applications. Hope you find something suitable soon.
Hope you have a great week!
xx Rowena
Thanks I believe everything happens for a purpose and i look forward to seeing my new direction unfold.
Congratulations on your Triple Crown Award. Sorry about the distressing allergic attack. I know how painful it can be. And how difficult it can be to find the souce. I am happycthat your cat is getting better
Thank you. Life sometimes deals an interesting mix of cards.
Glad you and your cat both are doing better! and CONGRATS on the Triple Crown Award!!
Thank you.
So sorry you had to spend time in the hospital. That had to be scary. Glad you’re better.
As a nurse it was definitely interesting wearing the other shoe.