During our recent holiday around the Eyre Peninsula coast, one day we took a trip inland. For some reason we randomly decided to visit the small town of Cleve. We had no reason to, but we were definitely rewarded.

In the centre of town we found this amazing sculpture of a Clydesdale horse. As hubby and I stood admiring it, a local man stopped by for a chat. He was a very proud dad. His son, ‘Turtle’ was the creator of the masterpiece and he told us many stories about it. In short, his son is a farmer and was messing about with old tools when he created his first horse sculpture, Clyde which now permanently stand at the entrance to his property.

Turtle’s latest sculpture is a wedge-tail eagle. This sculpture is currently on a trailer as it is being tried out the front of a few local locations to see which fits best for his permanent home.

The sculptures are all made from scrap metal and engines given to him or bought cheaply at local clearance sales.
Thanks Natalie for hosting #weekendcoffeeshare and including public artworks.
These sculptures are beautiful and such great use of scrap metal and engines. I hope they find a good location for the eagle. Thank you for your weekend coffee share and art contribution.
Such unique sculptures & a wonderful opportunity getting to meet the creator’s father to get more details. It’s a creative way to repurpose tools, engines & such. We had a Clydesdale many years ago, I recognize the big feet that makes the horse sculpture standout as a Clydesdale. Fun!
Clyde and the eagle were amazing – it never ceases to surprise me how creative some people are and how they can bring a vision to life in 3D – especially using unusual materials like these. Thanks for sharing them.