Mouths Wide Shut

Are you a picky eater? Share some of your favorite food quirks with us (the more exotic, the better!). Omnivores: what’s the one thing you won’t eat?

When asked about my food preferences as a youngster, I would say I eat everything. What I really meant was any usual food that may be put on my plate. Whilst in Australia this statement mostly remains true, the one thing I would like to try however I am unsure if I can put in my mouth is the aboriginal delicacy—the witchetty grub.

Eating a witchetty grub is an experience rather than a meal. They are found in Central Australia and are often on the bucket lists of travellers to the area. One day I will travel to the centre of our beautiful land. When that time comes I will have to decide if I am going to open my currently shut mouth to the experience.

Have you tried witchetty grubs? What were your thoughts? I would love some evidence to move me forward and open my mouth.

Life Is A Juggling Act

“Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little.” – Edna Ferber

Do you agree with this statement on excess?

Life is a juggling act. You can definitely have too much of everything as well as have too little. It’s a continuum and like with most things the answer lies in the middle—the grey area. To help explain my point, I will use fats as an example. Everyone agrees that you can eat too many fats—most people do. Did you also know that you can also not have enough.

Fats are an essential part of a healthy and balanced diet and are essential for the healthy regulation and management of every function in your body and brain. Dietitians state that the exact amount required will vary with the individual, but 30% of your daily dietary requirements should come from fats. This is healthy.

The problem is that most people eat an excess of fats, some up to twice the recommended amount. Most diets also include trans fats which can lead to medical conditions such as:

  • heart disease
  • obesity
  • cholesterol
  • high blood pressure
  • type 2 diabetes

Fats helps us to absorb vitamins A, D, E  and K and provide the essential fatty acids our body cannot make itself. These essential fatty acids are required to make our brain work and function effectively. Our brain is 60% fat and requires a regular supply of fats to work. Without fats in our body, our brain is unable to think and work properly and can shrink in size—a physical symptom of Anorexia Nervosa. The brain will only return to its regular size and function with weight gain and a regular supply of fats.

Using this example, draw your own continuum for other things can you think of that are as bad in excess as they are if we have too little of them. Remember everything is juggling act and you can find the workable grey area for all things.

Make It Count

You’ve been given the opportunity to send one message to one person you wouldn’t normally have access to. Who’s the person you choose, and what’s the message?

My message is a life skill and is for everyone. Arguments and disagreements happen regularly. But how do you know when to push your point and when to back off. The answer can be found in five little words.

“Is it worth the argument?”

No. I’m talking about for the sake of pride but what the outcome needs to be. If the answer is “yes, it is,” continue with your argument and make it count. It is however important to keep checks on how your argument is going. Ask yourself regularly, “is it worth the argument?” Because what was once worth the argument at any point may no longer be working. Discussions may have become heated, nasty and overemotional. If left to continue they may begin to have a marked impact on the relationship between the people involved. The argument itself hasn’t changed but discussing it any further at that moment “is not worth it.” Both parties need space to consider and hear what the other person is saying. During this time, stop the argument. Consider a statement that works for you, similar to the following.

“We need to stop now, this is no longer working. No further discussions will be entered into.”

One example of the above situation may be parents/teachers setting boundaries with teenagers about acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour. It may take them years to understand but keeping them safe is definitely worth the argument.

One the other hand, arguing about smaller issues isn’t worth the argument. Does it really matter whether the cup is blue or green when it could be described as either?

Next time you find yourself arguing with someone or even yourself—make it count. Ensure whichever way you go, you are moving forward.

Share Your World 2014 – Week 38

1. If you could be a tree or a plant, what would you be?

If I were to choose between being a tree or plant, I would be a Californian Coastal Redwood. I love these trees. Singularly they are majestic, solid and live a long and happy life. The Chandelier Tree in Leggett, California is 2,400 years old. The energy and life created in a Redwood Forest is amazing .


2.If you could have a servant come to your house everyday for an hour, what would you have them do?

My daily servant would choose, shop for and cook my evening meal. I am not a fussy eater so I would be happy with anything they chose. While I don’t dislike cooking my daily commute is huge and limits my available time to cook. I have also discovered that cooking takes up valuable blogging time, so I definitely think an alternative should be found.

3.If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?

I would choose to have an endless supply dairy foods. Cheese, yoghurt and chocolate. Without these foods my life would never be the same.



4. What was one of your first money making jobs (other than babysitting or news paper delivery)?

My first job is the same as my current one—a psychiatric nurse. It is 30 years this year since I became a  registered  nurse and my knowledge base has grown greatly. Today I am a manager and help train and mentor new nurses. Today, mental health nursing, as it is now known, remains my ideal job.

What are you grateful for from last week. 

Last weekend I achieved my personal best at impromptu speaking, when I was placed second in the Area 13 Toastmasters Table Topics competition, for which I am grateful. This is a first for me and was a surprise as I was competing against other experienced Toastmasters. it has inspired me to want to learn more about competitive public speaking.

Dream Viewer

Inspiring Max is a positive blog. A space to share inspiration though my thoughts, experiences and travels. I do not have an ideal viewer—male, female, transgender, young,old or middle-aged from all countries of our world—are welcome.

My hope is visiting my blog brings hope, inspiration or new information into your day. Writing about my past experiences allows me to enjoy them again and gives me a new insight into their meaning in the patchwork quilt of my life.

I have found the blogging world exciting, fascinating and full of inspiration. Since last August, I have had visitors to my site from 85 countries—some so small, I need to  consult my map. I love it when Jetpack tells me I have viewers, however a viewer from  a new country reminds me how big our world is and how blogging reduces the distance between us.

Inspiring Max allows me  to learn about other countries, cultures and their lifestyles through direct involvement with you—my viewer. Welcome to my world. I look forward to joining yours as we go on this journey together.

Share Your World – 2014 Week 37

1. List three pet peeves.

  • Any repetitive noises such as all varieties of mouth noises, clicking the end of the pen and tapping feet or fingers.
  • Being deliberately ignored be someone you know or have known. Being pleasant and courteous is a form of respecting yourself and your own boundaries. It make you the bigger person and life so much easier for everyone around you.
  • Television or music on in the house when no one is focusing on it. I love the quiet as it helps me to relax.

2. What makes you unique?

There are a few things that make me unique:

  • I was born at one minute to midnight—something my mother predicted before my birth.
  • I am double-jointed in my fingers, something I thought was very special as a child but I now realise so are many other people.
  • I began working in mental health at the age of 18, straight form high school which is unusual. Even as a young woman I have used my sense of humour to connect with people quickly,even in difficult situations.
  • I am a good judge of character and have a natural psychic ability, which allows me to trust my own instincts.
  • I believe in the universal law of attraction where you thoughts create your world. This is why I rephrase negative thoughts quickly and look for the positive in all situations.

3. What would be your ideal birthday present and why?

Since I turned 50 my ideal birthday present is a holiday. Be it an overseas trip or a mini-break, I love to get away from my regular world, exploring and connecting with nature. This present re-energises me and prepares me for the year ahead.  When I was younger and if going away was not possible, I refused to work on my birthday and would celebrate with champagne alone if necessary. Fortunately, in my 34 years of working, I have only been required to work on two birthdays. On both of these occasions, I made sure everyone I worked with knew it was my special day, so we had some special times—it’s the Leo in me I think.

4. Which way does the toilet paper roll go? Over or under.

To be honest until this question came up on another blog last week, I had never given it much thought. At the time I decided that my preferred is over and now I find myself mindfully checking the toilet roll to check it is the right way.

What are you grateful for last week and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week I was grateful to be able to attend Hay House Writers Workshops in Sydney. It was held over  two days and inspired me to focus on completing my book and getting it published. Next week I am looking forward to settling in to working on the eating disorders unit again for the first time in five years—this time as the manager. 

Curve Balls

When was the last time you were completely stumped by a question, a request, or a situation you found yourself in? How did you handle it?

I am no longer tricked by curve balls. As a Toastmaster for the last 4 years, I practice dealing with curve balls every week in our impromptu speaking section called Table Topics.

The idea behind this part of the program is to learn to deal with curve balls—efficiently and effectively. The Table Topics master (Toastmaster in-charge of the section), draws up a list of questions and fellow Toastmasters are required to speak on the topic for 1 minute with no notice. The questions are usually related to the theme for the meeting and are unusual.

Once a year, Toastmaster International runs a Table Topics competition and all Toastmasters against compete with each other. Last month, I won our club’s Table Topics competition and next weekend I will compete in the Area competition for our club. Here’s hoping that I can handle this curve ball when it is thrown my way.

If you struggle with what to say, consider looking into developing your skills further in a Toastmasters club in your area.

Share Your World – 2014 Week 36

1. Do you prefer reading coffee table books (picture), biographies, fiction, non-fiction or educational?

I love books. Anytime I go shopping I can’t resist looking in the bookshops to see what is new. Although I do admit looking for bargains in second-hand bookshops and stalls is my favourite book pastime. I usually buy at least one book. My husband has given up. My favourite books to read and buy are non-fiction self-help books. I am particularly drawn to success manuals and self improvement books.  As I am nearing the completion of my book on what is important in eating disorder recovery, I am reading a lot of books on self publishing, which I find very helpful.

2. What is your biggest fear or phobia? (no photos)

My biggest fear is nyctophobia or fear of the darkness. In my own home this is not a problem however walking outside alone is a big problem for me. Walking with someone else even a child doesn’t seem to bother me, weird I know.

3. What is your favourite cheese?

My favourite cheese at the moment is blue cheese. My husband has been buying it to put on my pizzas and I have remembered how much I love the strong flavour. Blue cheese also goes well inside a dried apricot for a snack or appetizer. I think it is the delicate balance between sweet and sour that I like. Give it a try, you might like it.

blue apricot


4. What is your favourite month of the year?

August is my favourite month of the year because:

  • It’s my birthday
  • In Australia, it is the end of winter
  • Spring is around the corner
  • Usually I get to feel the sunshine on my skin again for the first time in months
  • If I am going to the NSW ski fields, it is the best time to guarantee snow
  • Flowers start budding
  • Baby animals are born

Share Your World – 2014 Week 35

1. Have your blogging goals changed?

As a new blogger with a two month hiatus, I am still finding my voice. When I first started blogging, I thought having followers was the most important. However, now I realise it is the number of views and where the people viewing my blog come from that are the most exciting. Slowly but surely my numbers are increasing—both the number of views my blog receives as well as the number of countries my viewers come from. Today getting into new country is what excites me the most. The smaller or more remote the better. At present I have been viewed by people in 13 countries.

2. If your were to perform in the circus what would you do?

In the circus I would be the ringmaster. The person who is responsible for ensuring that the show must go on. The person who joins all the acts together . I would also like to have some hidden surprise acts in the show that I am involved with. The more fun the better.

Graphix Credit: Snogirl

Graphix Credit: Snogirl

3. If you could go back and talk to yourself at age 18 what advice would you give yourself. Or if you are younger than 25 what words of wisdom would you tell yourself at 45?

My advice to my 18 year old self would be:

  • Take 100% responsibility for your life.
  • Trust and rely upon your personal values to make any decisions.
  • Set goals and follow them through to completion. Break them down into smaller steps if necessary.
  • Have strong boundaries and integrity.
  • Build personal resilience.
  • Focus on the positive and move forward. Don’t dwell on the negative—find that spark of hope.
  • Be your own person. Recognise that you’ll never please everyone.

4. What is your favourite comfort snack food?

I don’t have a specific comfort snack food. It depends on the time of day, the circumstances and what food is currently available. Often it would involve some type of chocolate—particularly dark chocolate. I must need to the endorphins and antioxidants.

Share Your World – 2014 Week 34

1.What is your favourite smell? What memories does it remind you of?

My favourite smell is the ocean. The salt in the air  always smells so fresh and crisp. Unfortunately I don’t get to the beach often these days but when I do my mind always goes back to my childhood and the many hours I spent at the beach enjoying fun in the sun. Growing up on the coast in Australia was a real delight.

2014-05-08 15.35.56 2. Name a song or two which are included on the soundtrack of your life.

The first song on the sound track of my life is Helen Reddy’s – I am Woman. I was 10 when this song came out and being an Australian woman (like Helen) I have believed I could do anything I set my mind too and have.

Lulu’s  – To Sir with Love, would be my second choice. This song was played at my school formal, all those years ago and signifies growing up to me. I had gone from crayons to perfume and  there was no going back.

3.Do you play video/computer games? Which one(s) or most recent.

No, just the occasional Facebook game although blogging has taken over my relaxation time now.

4. Which of Snow White’s dwarfs describes you best? Plus what would the 8th dwarfs name be?

For me this is not a hard choice. I am a positive person who always looks on the bright side of whatever is happening—so I am Happy. If there were to be an 8th dwarf today I think he should be called Techno dwarf.  After all, someone needs to be able to sort out the social media.

5. What are you grateful for this week and what are you looking forward to in the coming week.

This week I returned to blogging and my Jetpack stats are working, so I am seeing people from all around the world visiting my blog, which is very exciting. In the coming week I am looking forward to continuing to be active in the community and see where my journey takes me.