Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award




This week I am honoured to receive the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award from purpleslobinrecovery. Thank you Purple I enjoy your practical humour and advice on everyday subjects. If you get the chance, stop by and check out her blog and join in with her community spirit.


•             Put the Award logo on your blog

•             Thank the person who nominated you, linking back to their site

•             Answer 10 questions the person asked you

•             Nominate 10 blogs and notify them

•             Write 10 new questions for them


  1.  Barney or Blue?  If you have no CLUE about this question, that’s okay.  Just make up a funny 1 liner.

Definitely Barney after all who doesn’t love a purple dinosaur with an imaginary world that their kids grew up with. Barney’s cool!

Photo Credit: Google Images

Photo Credit: Google Images

2. What number comes after 14?  Just so I’ll know for next time.

In a series 7 it’s 21 so I’ll go with that to be different.

3. What surprise ingredient do you add to your lemonade?

Now that would depend who I am making a drink for myself or a child. If it’s me I add vodka and parfait armour—tastes amazing. If it’s for a child definitely red cordial after all I don’t know a child who doesn’t love a fire engine.

4. If you could go back in time, to any age, how old would you be?

I don’t want to go back in time. I’m happy with my age although sometimes would like to be physically younger in my abilities.

5. Why that particular age?

Happy with being in my 50’s dreaming about retirement.

6. Do you drink outta plastic or real glass?

Real glass at every opportunity. If I have to drink out of plastic I like the glass shape to match the drink e.g. if I am drinking wine it needs to be out of a plastic wine glass not a plastic cup—fussy I know.

7. Are you tethered or wireless?

Wireless I think. As long as it works I don’t care.

8.  E-book or print?

I love bookshops so definitely print. E-books are convenient but there is something special about the feel of a book and seeing how far you are though it.


  1. Jacqueline
  2. Phoenix Grey
  3. B’s Words
  4. Haddon Musings
  5. YOUnfolded
  6. Best places of interest
  7. This Melbourne Life
  8. Blue Ribbon Fair
  9. Gypsy Life
  10. Indira’s Blog


  1. Your favourite Disney character is…..
  2. What is the vegetable you hated as a child?
  3. Did you get a pen or ink license at school?
  4. Do you drive on the left or right side of the road?
  5. What is your favourite joke?
  6. Do you read fiction or non-fiction?
  7. Who is your favourite author?
  8. What is your favourite sport?
  9. If you could give $1000 dollars to a charity which one would you choose?
  10. Name one of your strengths?


Sunshine Blogger Award


the-sunshine-blogger-award-challengeLast week I was honoured to be nominated by Safar at Blisters, Bunions and Blarney for the Sunshine Blogger Award. This award recognizes blogs that share positivity in the blogging community. I would like to encourage you to stop by her blog which covers many topics as you will surely find something that you can connect with and thank her for her consideration. I love looking on the bright side and look forward to sharing this award with other deserving blogs.

The Rules:

  •  Thank the person/people who nominated you
  • Answer the eleven questions from your nominator(s)
  • Nominate eleven other bloggers and give them eleven questions to answer

Answers to my questions:

1.Voltaire once said that a person should be judged by their questions rather than their answers – what question would you pose?

My question would be simple. It would be an honest “How are you going?

2. Mahatma Gandhi advised us to learn as if were were to live forever.  What did you learn today? 

This weekend through participating in Writing 101 I learnt how to add social media to a blog post. Initially this confused me however with perseverance I was able to do it and I am proud of myself.

3. Marilyn Manson suggests to be yourself and make a difference.  What difference did you make today?

Working in mental health and focusing on positivity I believe I make a difference everyday.

4. Audrey Hepburn believes laughter cures a multitude of ills.  What last made you laugh?

I agree with Audrey Hepburn and laugh everyday—the last time being an hour ago whilst watching comedy on the television over lunch. Humour can be found everywhere and is catchy.

5. Satchel Paige asks, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”I am in my early fifties and most people if asked to guess would say I was in my late forties. A smile can take a few years off you and I smile a lot.

6. ‘Why?’ is the endless question of a child.  What’s your why?

Unlike a child when I review why something happened I get an answer and make a plan to do it differently next time.

7. Oscar Wilde observed that we each are own devil and that we make this world our hell.  What would you need to do to make this world your heaven?

I am constantly working on making my world better. There is no one thing for me that makes the difference it is a mixture of all my daily choices.

8. The UN declared 30 human rights.  Was anything left out?

Not that I can think of.

9. John Stuart Mill argued that non-conformity and eccentricity is an essential service to society.  Do you agree?

I think that having a unique personality, trusting your ability to follow dreams and not listening to the nay sayers is important as that is how society grows. Most successful people have broken the rules and gone against society to achieve their dream.

10. Woody Allen attributes 80% of success to just turning up.  What might you have succeeded at if you had just turned up?

Giving things a go has taught me a lot over my life. I believe you have to be in it to win it so will give most things a go.

11. Think of a quote and ask yourself the question you would have liked me to ask

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take” Unknown

This quote helps to motivate me. It reminds me to take risks reap the rewards so that as the years go by I don’t have any regrets. So far it is working.

My nominees are:

Questions for my nominees:

  1. Where is your favourite place you have lived?
  2. If you could change one thing what would it be?
  3. What is your favourite childhood memory?
  4. What is your dream job?
  5. What was your best subject at school?
  6. Do you prefer to live in the country or the city?
  7. If you were stranded on a desert island which celebrity would you take with you?
  8. Everyone has a song that makes them want to dance, what is yours?
  9. Favourite colour?
  10. Do you prefer camping, caravaning or staying in motels?
  11. How many different careers have you had?


STARLIGHT Blogger Award

This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

This Award is created to highlight and promote Inspiring Bloggers.

I would like to thank Anne at for being a part of my blogging community and nominating me for the “STARLIGHT Blogger Award”.  I was honoured and encouraged to receive this Award from another inspiring blogger. The STARLIGHT Blogger Award is a new Award to honor those individuals who are considered The light emanating from the stars“—the bloggers that bring daily light into your soul with their creativity—the blogs you love to read, listen and visit! The Award was created by Carolina as token of love and appreciation and encouragement so please spread the love and pass it to other deserved bloggers!

Nominations Rules:
Nominate your 6 favorite bloggers! In your nominees I would like for you to think at the light emanating from the stars the ones that truly touch your soul with their work, the ones that are the light for you a true STARLIGHT Blogger.

Rules for the STARLIGHT Blogger Award:
Thank the giver and link their Blog to your post.
Answer the 3 questions given to you.
Please Pass the award on to 6 or more other Bloggers of your choice and let them know that they have been nominated by you.
Include the logo of the award in a post or on your Blog please never alter the logo and never change the rules.

Please don’t delete this note: the design for the STARLIGHT Bloggers Award has been created from YesterdayAfter is a Copyright image you cannot alter or change it in any way just pass it to others that deserve this award.
Copyright 2015 © – Design by Carolina Russo

My Nominees for the STARLIGHT Blogger Award: Eclectic Odds N Sods B’s Words Send Sunshine Lisa Dorenfest  Mara Eastern

My questions answered:

1. What hinders your creativity (if you could say one thing)?

My life is busy so the biggest hindrance to my creativity is time. Time to calm my head. I like to take any topic and put a positive Inspiring Max spin on it. Sometimes if my original idea doesn’t feel right I won’t go with it just for the sake of blogging. I continue to consider my options until it works, which may mean the opportunity is lost. No problem the way I see it “you win some and you lose some.” At other times in this consideration stage I have totally changed my idea and released creativity that really works.

2. Why do you create? (Please be specific)

My creative outlet is writing and my goal is to inspire people to look on the positive side of life even when things are not going according to plan.”To inspire you—developing a spark of hope into a fire that warms you and lights your path.” I do this in a personal, positive, practical way by ensuring each post is encouraging and interesting.

3. What advice could you give to new bloggers for creativity or inspiration?

Write what you know. Be honest, try new things and find your voice. There are no rules and there is an audience for everyone. It is important to remember that blogging is a community and you will get out of it what you put in. Visit other blogs—like and comment on their posts. This is something I do regularly especially if I am running short on time. Even in 5 minutes I can visit many blogs—reading and responding to them which helps keep traffic moving on my blog when I have not written a new blog post. Enjoy the journey and make new friends with the amazing people you will meet on the way.

Please note:
No one should feel obligated to accept this Award or to link back. I just wanted to share with other’s in the community how inspiring and amazing you and your Blogs are.  I’ve enjoyed visiting them on a regular basis. If you do decide to accept this award and pass it on that’s greatly appreciated!

New Questions For Those Who Accept:

1. What is your favourite creation?

2. Where do you see your creativity taking you in 3 years?

3. What advice could you give to new bloggers for creativity or inspiration?

If you decided to accept the STARLIGHT Blogger Award, please put a link to the post in my comments. Also please nominate at least 6 bloggers for this amazing award. Thank you and have a great time! Inspiring Max

Celebrating—Versatile Blogger and Premio Dardos Awards

Today I celebrate my 300th follower. Back in January, during Blogging 101 I set goals for this blog, which included having 300 followers by my 12 month anniversary in May. As I reached this mile stone today, I am 2 months early—Yeah! Time to celebrate.  Last month I was given more reason to celebrate as I received two blogging awards to accept from Silver Lining Mama The awards were the Versatile Blogger Award and the Premio Dardos Award. I am humbled, grateful and would like to thank her.  If you get time stop by her blog as it’s worth a visit.


The rules are:

  • Show the award on your blog.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Share seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 blogs.
  • Link your nominees’ blogs, and let them know.

Seven facts about me:

  1. I love purple.
  2. I was born at midnight.
  3. Dates and walnuts are my least favourite foods.
  4. I have a Mickey Mouse collection.
  5. I am enjoying my new found ability to write poetry.
  6. I will self-publish my book this year.
  7. I work with people recovering from eating disorders—my book is based on my knowledge in this area.

My nominations are:

  1. Lynne’s Art and Soul
  2. Laissez Faire
  3. Pheonix Grey
  4. Its PH
  5. The Main Focus
  6. Mutafariq Khayalat
  7. Fresh Paula
  8. The Kyleinator
  9. Blisters, Bunions and Blarney
  10. Michael Meiser


Here is the description and rules for this award:


My nominations are:

  1. The Lace In My Head Mirrors The Cosmic Mind
  2. The Beauty Along The Road
  3. Its All In Finding The Right Words
  4. Nuggets of Gold
  5. I’m Not A Sick Boy
  6. Flowers and Breezers
  7. The Gad About Town

All of my nominees are worthy of their awards and I enjoy their blogs regularly. Thank you for adding dimension to my blogging journey.

Liebster Award

In the last week I have been honoured and excited to be nominated twice for the Liebster Award for new bloggers.

Thank you and for your recognition and encouragement. It is rewarding to know that other bloggers are enjoying what I write on my blog.


The Liebster Award has German origins. The word “liebster” has several definitions: dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, welcome, sweetheart and boyfriend.

It aims to discover new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere. Bloggers award other bloggers. Here are the rules for accepting the Liebster award:

  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.
  • Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

Here are my 11 random facts:

1. I am a Leo.

2. I once ate cucumber sandwiches at Government House.

3. I write on coloured note pads—I don’t like white.

4. I have a new toy—a reflex punching ball.

5. I can’t sing but love karaoke.

6. Last year, I saw The Seekers in concert.

7. I love attending writers courses.

8. My favourite pet is a bunny rabbit.

9. In China, I like to drink Peach Tea.

10. My first house was in a coal mine.

11. I wish I could memorise my speeches

My 11 questions for you:

  1. If you wrote a book what genre would it be?
  2. Is WordPress you whole life right now?
  3. What current issue in the news are you passionate about?
  4. Do you like to get together with a small group of friends or do you like big parties?
  5. Do you prefer cities, small towns or being in a more remote area?
  6. When you travel do you like to rough it or do you prefer a hotel with all the amenities?
  7. Do you feel you really need to be in constant communication with friends on Facebook, text, twitter or other social media?
  8. Do you enjoy time to yourself, solitude?
  9. Do you need to have a special place in your home or elsewhere where it is quiet to write?
  10. Are you a romantic?
  11. What type of music do you enjoy?

My 11 Answers:

1. I have written a non-fiction book on how eating disorder recovery is possible—knowledge from a professional.

2. Not quite. I am also attempting to finish editing my book so I can publish it next year.

3. Mental health week last week otherwise, I don’t watch the news.

4. Small groups these days.

5. I would love to live in the country again but close enough to have the city services and not when I am still working.

6. Depends where I am travelling. Overseas definitely in a recognised safe hotel. I am also partial to a weekend camping away in the bush—complete with a dig your own toilet.

7. No. Most of the time I live in my own little world finding out what i need to at some stage.

8.  Yes. That is why I love writing. I speak to people all day every day at work. Home is me time.

9. I have taken over the back room but I also write a lot on the train.

10. Yes.

11. Songs with meaning to their words.

Second set of questions:

  1. Which do you find more tiresome – shoveling snow or dealing with mosquitoes and other warm weather pests?
  2. Bottled water or tap water, and why?
  3. Assuming you are omnivorous, could you live a year as a vegan?
  4. What is your favourite vegetarian meal?
  5. Baseball, football, basketball, hockey or Dancing with the Stars?
  6. Do you have a hobby or pastime (besides blogging)? What is it?
  7. If you could make a living blogging, would you leave your current employment?
  8. If you could afford any lifestyle you choose, what would it be?
  9. Television: which do you prefer – sitcoms or crime dramas? Other?
  10. What is one healthy habit you wish you could develop?
  11. Children? Or pets?

My 11 Answers:

1. I have never shoveled snow. Maybe this year on our trip to Canada I may get the experience. Mossies and flies can be very annoying however.

2. Tap water. We add flouride to it and it tastes good. Why pay for something I don’t need to.

3. No, I could never be vegan as I would struggle to get all of my nutrition being allergic to peanuts and unable to eat nut meat. There are also too many restriction on other things in a vegans life.

4. Chiili beans.

5. Dancing with the stars unless it is a major football game—rugby league, rugby union or aussie rules, not soccer.

6. Knitting although I don’t do it much anymore these days.

7. In a couple of years. I am getting to old for the commute.

8. Living in the country on the beach being a full-time writer and travelling overseas regularly.

9. Depends on the show—mostly I think sitcoms.

10. Exercising more regularly

11. Children. My two are adults now and would like a pet but if they get one it will be their responsibility not mine.

.And here are my 15 Blogger nominations—can’t count—no actually with two awards and more new bloggers to recognise I thought I would pay it forward to more. I didn’t quite have enough for 11 each. Some of my friends I have been following for some time, and some I have recently discovered. If you get the chance stop by I know they would love a visit.

My 11 questions for you are:

1. Which brand and flavour potato chips do you prefer?

2. What is the strangest thing you have ever done?

3. What is your favourite flower?

4. What part of Australia would you like to visit?

5. What is your preferred way to spend the afternoon—blogging excluded.

6. What is the weirdest fact you know?

7. If you could have any job in the world for a week, what would you choose?

8. What is the best advice your mother ever told you?

9. What wish would you ask a gene for?

10. What two words best describe you?

11. What animal scares you the most?


One Lovely Blogger Award—2



This week I was nominated a second time for the One Lovely Blog Award by I am thankful and I enjoy reading her blog as she is passionate about many things which this shows in her writing. Stop by its worth the visit. I have chosen to accept this award the second time, so I can pay it forward to other new bloggers.

The One Lovely Blog Award nominations are chosen by fellow bloggers for those newer or up-and-coming bloggers. The goal is to help give recognition and to also help the new blogger reach more viewers. It also recognizes blogs that are considered to be “lovely” by the fellow-blogger who chose them. This award acknowledges bloggers who share their story or thoughts in a beautiful manner to connect with their viewers and followers. In order to “accept” the award the nominated blogger must follow several guidelines.

The rules for accepting this award are:
1) Thank and link back to the person who nominated you for the award.
2) List the Rules and Display the One Lovely Blog Award logo to your post and/or blog.
3) Share 7 facts/or things about yourself.
4) Nominate around 15 other bloggers and let them know about the award
5) Follow the blogger who nominated you (if not already!)

Seven different facts about me:

1. I once set my tent on fire while camping.

2. I love cookies and cream ice-cream.

3. I am looking forward to going ice skating in Canada at the end of the year.

4. I have 2 sisters and a brother.

5. Elvis Presley died on my 15th birthday.

6. I don’t like either classical or heavy metal music.

7. Gone With the Wind is a favourite movie.

My nominations are: