Eat, Drink And Be Merry

…for tomorrow we die. The world is ending tomorrow! Tell us about your last dinner — the food, your dining companions, the setting, the conversation.

If the world was ending tomorrow I would choose to go camping  in the Australian bush with all my family. Not glamping—glamourous camping with all the modern conveniences. Camping à la natural. No electricity, no showers and dig your own toilets. I love getting out with nature, listening to the sounds of the bush and hopefully seeing  a koala or possum in the trees. We have never had a problem with snakes as with over 20 people we make too much noise.

Tom Possum

The food would be a bush BBQ that we begin preparing in the afternoon by collecting a massive amount of wood to keep us going all night—waiting for the world to end. Included on the menu is:

  • bacon
  • capsicum
  • corn
  • damper
  • green salad
  • mushrooms
  • potatoes
  • rissoles
  • rocket salad
  • sausages
  • steak

After dinner as we continued to chat and drink champagne and beer by the fire I would introduce S’mores to the family. I would get everyone to cook their marshmallows over the fire while I prepared their chocolate and biscuits. We don’t have graham crackers in Australia so I would use the best substitute I could find. Once the marshmallow is cooked I would join them all together and watch everyone’s enjoyment.300 - hot choc and smores


The spontaneity of sitting around a campfire is the best. Nothing is or can be planned yet the memories last forever.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Vivid

Australia’s rainbow lorikeets are vivid, beautiful  creatures who love a free feed. This girl found a small group of them and decided to attempt to feed them. No problem. They were happy to play with her for in exchange for apple. We stood and watched their interactions for a while as these wild birds became one with her. The joy on her face was priceless.

It Takes Two

“And they lived happily ever after.” Think about this line for a few minutes. Are you living happily ever after? If not, what will it take for you to get there?

Unlike in the fairy tales where happily ever after just happens — in the real world, it needs to be worked on. There is no magic formula. Relationships take two people sharing, working and dreaming together to create a happily ever after. If one person is planning in one direction and the other in a totally different direction, unless there is a compromise or connection drawing both plans together — their happily ever after is at risk.

My husband and I are living in the happily ever after the best way we can. Nearing retirement we are getting excited about how closer to our dreamed happily ever after we can get when we no longer have to work.The following acrostic poem describes what we blend into our happily ever after plan as we adjust it.








Express emotions









My earlier post on secrets of a happy marriage can be found at

Changing plans

Tell us about a time you did a 180 — changed your views on something, reversed a decision, or acted in a way you ordinarily don’t.

My latest 180 degree change in a decision happened by accident earlier this year. I was complaining of always being tired and working late several days a week meant I got home very late as my commute is 1 1/2 hours if I am lucky. Out of frustration I decided to drive to work on my late day and see what happened. Suddenly I was home in half the time and I had still included a 15 minute walk to the car.

Much better.

I surprised my self also be driving to work in peak hour traffic and it taking only about a 45 minute drive. Now I have time to exercise or blog before coming to work and still sleep in until 6am.

Much easier to get my 8 hours beauty sleep in.

Driving most days of the week now has made me a more confident driver again. Although through trial and experimentation I consider what time I want to leave work on any day before deciding how I will get there. If I need to leave before 6pm I will catch the train as the journey will take 1 1/2 either way but on the train is more relaxing.

Being a solutions based person I am always flexible and look for things that may need changing. How I get to work is one change I am happy I have made. I have also chosen to support my staff by working longer hours earlier in the week and as an extra bonus I work all my hours in a 9 day fortnight. Win—win all around.

Do you need to change any plans to get a better outcome? A little review and system change is sometimes what is needed to have a big impact.

Dreams Not Nightmares

Describe the last nightmare you remember having. What do you think it meant?

Fortunately I don’t have nightmares. I do however have dreams that disturb my sleep and wake me up. They always relate to an issue that I need to deal with, usually work related. When this happens I review the situation and work out what I need to do next. My dreams generally:

  • Allow me to move on or let go
  • Clarify a situation
  • Draw my attention to watch this space even if I choose not to do anything about it at the time
  • Direct my writing
  • Give me clues about how to manage something
  • Helps me deal with stress
  • Point out things that are on my mind
  • Predict how a situation with play out in life
  • Reveals a different level of insight into the situation

I love how my dreams support me. I process what they are telling me and deal with the issue, however I see fit when. Sometimes I can’t put my finger on the exact problem until it comes up in my dreams to give me the final bit of insight.

Powerful Playlist

Put together a musical playlist of songs that describe your life, including what you hope your future entails. 

Music is powerful. It is part of my everyday life and is a great reminder of the past and motivator for the future. My present life playlist includes the following songs:

This song reminds me of my early years. It gives me motivation to continue with whatever goal I am seeking at the time.

I have loved this song since I was a teenager. Helen Reddy is Australian and the fact that her song was changing the world for women everywhere made me realise I could do anything I set my mind to. It was the anthem of International Women’s Year in 1975.

I am proud to be Australian. This song describes the history of the Australian people and reminds me—we are all one.

The final two songs give me motivation to set goals and work hard to achieve them. They remind me that I can choose how things impact me. By pushing myself, I can achieve things I never thought possible and become stronger in every way.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Broken

I spent the first nearly 30 years of my life living in Newcastle. But it wasn’t until I was 50 that I happened upon this old broken railway line going up to Nobby’s Lighthouse. On that same walk, I also discovered these rocks broken off the cliff face.


Tell us about times in which you linger — when you don’t want an event, or a day to end. What is it you love about these times? Why do you wish you could linger forever?

For me lingering is not about not wanting an experience to end, but reflecting on its significance to mine or someone else’s life. Traveling to different countries and cultures has given me many moments to linger and reflect on to gain understanding and insight into what life must have been like during that time in history.

My first experience of really lingering in a place was when my house was packed into removalist boxes, ready for transport next day to Sydney, prior to my marriage 25 years ago. I suddenly realised my old life was in those boxes and my new scary, exciting and mysterious life was awaiting me. I sat quietly in the dark surrounded by my mountains of boxes reflecting on my life until I gathered the momentum to close the door behind me and move forward with my life. During reflection I consider some or all of the following:

Remembering the significance

Experiencing the emotions

Frozen in time

Lingering in the moment

End of an era

Choosing a new direction


Invoking insight and inspiration

Open mindedness

New horizons

Happy Pill

If you could create a painless, inexpensive cure for a single ailment, what would you cure and why?

Working in mental health I would love to find a cure for low self-esteem. It is at the core of many illness and plays a major role in suicide and self-harm behaviours. Low self-esteem can be improved however it is usually a long, slow journey, which the person living with it struggles to believe is possible to change. This impacts their want to start as it seems to hard. By creating a painless, inexpensive  and quick cure for low self-esteem the impact of mental health would be lessened.

The side effect of being able to cure low self-esteem may be that factors causing low self-esteem such as bullying, abuse, relationship problems, high stress, perfectionism may lessen and stop the cycle repeating itself. Low self-esteem is like a spark that turns into a wild-fire in some people. If it can be limited to back burning in its fire intensity it is much easier to control and many lives would be saved.

Juggling Act

How is this year shaping up so far? Write a post about your biggest challenges and achievements thus far.

For me, this year seems to be constantly giving me one theme—anything can happen. It is about learning to juggle even more balls in the air and see how much higher I can get them. Just when I think that I can’t juggle anymore someone comes along and says “I believe you can do this.”

Suddenly I decide let’s give it a chance anyway and I am taken to a new level and learnt a new skill. Sometimes its a bit surreal how it all comes together. Many years ago I learnt to juggle. Initially I used scarves to give me more time to learn the mechanics and then I was using balls. Once learnt juggling is a skill I haven’t forgotten but it definitely gets better the more I do it.

For me this is the same with my challenges. The more I choose to say—why not instead of why—the more I see my world open in different directions. This year I have changed my role at work and completed the A-Z April Challenge writing every day on a new letter of the alphabet whilst at the same time keeping up my usual blogging schedule. I have also learnt how to download my book as an e-book to help with the final stages of editing. Who knew I had the ability and only five months in. Certainly not me but I have kept pushing myself, learning new things and here I am reminding myself that I am not nearly as breakable as I thought and getting stronger by the day.