What better way to start the April 2016 A – Z challenge than with some fun facts about my amazing country, Australia.
- Our population hit the big time this year when we made it to 24 million people.
- Australians love to shorten words and add an O to the end, for example ambulance driver becomes ambo.
- The first selfie was taken in Australia.
- The box jellyfish kills more people annually than sharks, stone fish and crocodiles combined.
- Australia has over 10,000 beaches. you could visit one a day for 27 years.
- The Emu and the Kangaroo are on our coat of arms because neither animal can walk backwards.
- On Christmas Eve, 1974 Darwin one of Australia’s capital cities was destroyed by cyclone Tracy, a category 5 cyclone.
- In 1973, the Australian government spent $1.35 million dollars to purchase Jackson Pollack’s Blue Poles. At the time, this was a very controversial decision, however it is now recogised as a great work of art, worth all the money and more.
- Melbourne has the world’s largest Greek population outside of Athens.
- 83% of Australia’s population live within 50 kilometres of the coast.
- Since 2012 Australia has been recognised as the world’s most obese nation with 26% of the population obese.
- Australia was the second country in the world to allow women to vote.
- Australia has the world’s large supply of camel’s with one hump and exports them to Saudia Arabia.
- Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world.
- There are over 150 big things in Australia.
Being a traveler Australia has always intimidated me. Seems so rough and tumble.
best of luck with the rest of the challenge.
Under Jazminn Skyes
Its a big place very different to many places in the world but we are a very friendly bunch. If you ever get the opportunity it is worth the effort. Thanks for visiting.
Thank you for the Australian info.
There will be lots of it in this years A -Z challenge. Glad you liked it.
Don’t you just love all our Big Things!
The Lobster at Kingston SE used to terrify my children!
My goal is to eventually visit all of them. At the Big Banana there was a book on them all which I now regret not buying. I was surprised at the time to realise there were now 150 of them. I don’t think I have been to The Lobster yet.