If we were having coffee I would tell you we are currently on baby watch waiting for the arrival of our second grandchild. It is weird having no control over my life. All plans I currently make, need to come with a caveat – “if I’m not needed for grammie duty.” So exciting!
If we were having coffee I would tell you that Ruby (our slide on camper) has finally come home from the repairman. Sadly she is no longer all red due to her having some modifications. Her changes have made her longer and unfortunately this meant new sides which have needed to be white. She still has her red front and back however. We are so happy to have her back and be traveling again.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I am on five months long service leave. At present I am one month in and wonder how I had time to go to work. My current plan is to go back in August but not necessarily for long. Time will tell.
If we were having coffee I would tell you that I am doing the A-Z Challenge again. This year my theme will involve all of my recent travels not as I usually do my Australian travels. I am pleased to have my blogging mojo back.
If we were having coffee I would tell you that on New Years Day this year instead of resolutions I began creating a list of 25 things to do in 2025. Until I began writing this post I had 17 items on my list however now I have finished it. On my 3 month review I was excited to see that I had made a good start. People say the Year of the Snake is a Year of Change, so I hope to not recognise myself by this time next year as I achieve all my plans. Just to keep it on track I plan on tracking my progress.
If we were having coffee I would tell you that my hip continues to improve. I no longer have restless night’s sleep and rarely do I have any more pain. It will be interesting if this changes in August when I return to work. If it suddenly gets worse then, I will know that the universe is telling me to RETIRE. Oh dear, how sad.
Thanks for hosting Natalie #weekend coffeeshare
If we were having coffee I would ask you what is happening in your world?