M: Maremma Dogs

Maremarra dogs are guardians. They love to protect. In Warrnambool they spend the summer on Middle Island protecting the Little Penguins from foxes during their breeding season. Known as the Maremma Penguin project it was a world first. And A huge success.

Flagstaff Hill is also the home of old retired Maremma dogs. They were so cute. The dogs are a great surprise in amongst all the history of the museum. Their purpose apart from supporting the dogs is to help educate tourists of the Little Penguins.

This journey is brought to life in the Australian movie Oddball. It tells the story of how a local chicken farmer, Swampy Marsh eventually persuaded the local council to allow his dog to help. His Maremma guarded his chickens from foxes so he was convinced that Oddball could use these skills to save the Little Penguins. It is a very funny movie.

L: Loch Ard Gorge

Loch Ard Gorge is on the Great Ocean Road. It is a beautiful rugged piece of coastline. A sandy beach cove surrounded by high sheer cliffs with hidden caves. It is on Victoria’s Shipwreck Coast.

In 1878 it was the site of the areas most famous shipwreck, The Loch Ard. After the Loch Ard crashed into the outer island it broke up. The tide then brought debris, treasures, bodies and surprisingly 2 survivors into the gorge. The male survivor, Tom heard Eva calling for help and he went to rescue her. He pulled her onto the beach. He then somehow scaled the sheer cliffs to get help. For us, it was difficult enough climbing down the stairs to get into the gorge. So, I have no idea how he did it.

Standing in the gorge itself I was overwhelmed it’s beauty and how dwarfed I felt. It was so peaceful looking out from the gorge out to sea through the heads. I would have loved to have explored the caves had the tide been low.

It was from Loch Ard Gorge that the beautiful Loch Ard Peacock was recovered. The history of the Loch Ard shipwreck is well documented at Flagstaff Hill museum.