I think my favourite part of our recent holidays was seeing koalas in the wild. While koalas are an Australian marsupial most people only see them in zoos or koala parks. There habitat is very limited because they are very fussy about the types of gum leaves they eat.
We were lucky enough to see koalas on two occasions. The first was at Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve in Victoria. A family pointed out two koalas to us at the very top of some gum trees. They were sleeping but we all so excited to see them. I think the last time I saw a koala out in nature was before I could vote. In other words over 40 years ago.

Our second koala sighting was a real surprise. It was in New South Wales at Narrandra. As we hadn’t planned to stop off here we hadn’t researched the town. If we had we would have known that the town is is working hard to breed koalas in the wild. It also has special protect environments for them. We were lucky enough to accidentally camp at one of these places. As it was in the early evening the were up and about moving around eating leaves. This was very special and something I had never seen before. I took a few videos so I hope you can see them. Both koalas were in separate trees. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did. Sharing koala sightings whilst on the road is a great way to start to get to know others.