If we were having coffee we would be meeting in an airconditioned place this week not my home. The reason, in Australia this weekend we are having an extreme heatwave. I live on the east coast which is usually cooler than inland and it’s been 41C (106F) both days this weekend.
If we were having coffee I would show you this social distancing poster. I love it. It’s unique and I thought it was fitting for a country café.

I also loved this creative Covid Marshall at the same café.

If we were having coffee I would tell you about my upcoming Christmas calendars. This tradition I began in 2016 as Inspiring Max’s version of an advent calendar in the countdown to Christmas day. I love selecting the quotes and putting the posts together.
If we were having coffee I would tell you how proud I am of my daughter as she is now a registered nurse, just like me. She was also successful in obtaining the new grad placement of her choice in regional NSW.
If we were having coffee I would tell you about my son’s favourite birthday present, a black mini lop rabbit. He and his wife had been looking for a rabbit for several months. Every time they went to buy one, it was sold. Then just when they were thinking it wasn’t meant to be, they found him. To their surprise he was born on my daughter-in-law’s birthday. He is so cute.

Interestingly, the first pet my husband and I had when we married 30 years ago was a rabbit, only ours was white.
If we were having coffee I would ask you if to have to wear matching or odd socks. It was a conversation started last night at a family gathering. My brother deliberately mismatches his socks. My son and most others preferred matched ones. My sister then decided she would poll her friends and I thought I would ask you when we had coffee. Let me know your preferences in the comments.
If we were having coffee I would ask you what has been happening in your world?