In Australia, we will be going into our second month of autumn on Wednesday. On the last day of summer, my son and daughter-in-law had their Australian wedding. It was a beautiful day. Since then however, I haven’t spent anytime out in nature. So I thought I would go for mindful walk around the neighbourhood to see what had changed. As I headed down the driveway, my first surprise was the budding camellias.

Then around the next block I found flowering frangipani trees. I love frangipanis, especially the pink ones.

Halfway through my walk the skies opened and in true autumn in Australia fashion, it started raining. No warning, just rain. Then I saw the first changing leaves of the season. In our cities you don’t get the amazing amount of leaves that change colour and drop to the ground that you do in the country areas. When we lived in country NSW, we spent many days playing in and with the autumn leaves everywhere we went.

Another change I noticed was the growth of berries and nuts on the trees.

On returning home slightly damp, I ventured out into our backyard to find the citrus trees are full of fruit. All in varying shades of green through to yellow.

And lastly I discovered the trees my husband had severely trimmed in summer were full of new growth.