Are you a traveler or a homebody?
I love travelling. I find exploring new places, their history and culture fascinating. Unfortunately, the longest time I have traveled is 6 weeks. However, I look forward to spending my long service leave travelling to far off lands in the next few years.
PS. Most of the world is far off when you live in Australia.
What kind of TV commercial would you like to make? Describe it.
I don’t think I would want to make a TV commercial, although I have been in two and not actually paid for either. The first was planned and I was shopping for baby goods in my friends’ parents baby shop. I was young and it was fun making it.
The second commercial I was in was for the first season of The Voice in Australia. I had seen the battles being taped live and as we were leaving they asked for our opinions. I must have done a great job as suddenly people were telling me I was on TV advertising The Voice. Personally, I was never lucky enough to see me on TV but it had my family, friends, colleagues and patients talking for weeks. Fortunately, one of my friends sent me a photo of it on her TV. Gotta love technology these days. I think that I look okay for midnight. 
Describe yourself in a word that starts with the first letter of your name.
Maternal, mindful, motivated
List some fun things for a rainy day.
- Skipping in the rain
- Jumping in puddles
- Sitting by an open fire reading a book
- Playing board or card games with the family
- Sleeping especially under a metal roof
- Baking
- Planning my next holiday
- Mindful colouring-in
- Art and craft work
- Spending the day in a museum
- Blogging
- Writing
- Playing Wi games with the family
- Swimming but only if there is no lightening
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
Last week I was grateful for family time celebrating my son’s birthday. Even though he was overseas, my husband, daughter and I went out and enjoyed his favourite food.
This week I hope to finish painting my kitchen cupboards and finally decide where things will belong permanently in my new home.
Share Your World – 2016 Week 46
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