What genre of music do you like?
I like multiple genres of music. The determining factor for me is that the music must have meaningful words. I don’t like music styles without words such as classical, nor do I like heavy metal or songs that repeat the same words over again. Â The more meaning and motivation behind the song the better. One of my favourite songs, Helen Reddy’s I Am Woman has motivated me over many decades.
What is the worst thing you ate this last week?
I rarely eat takeaway food however last Friday my husband and I shared some fresh, yummy, crispy hand battered potato scallops. Many years ago good potato scallops were everywhere however these days prepackaged frozen ones have taken over and in my opinion they are not worth eating.

Photo Credit: Google Images
Would you like to be famous? In what way?
I don’t wish to be famous in a way that my life is directed by others. However as a writer, when I publish my book next year I would like to be well known and respected for my expertise and if this leads to fame I will enjoy the journey.
Complete this sentence: This sandwich could really use some …
Rocket and chilli sauce as it needs spicing up.
Bonus question: Â What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
Last week I was grateful to perform well enough at my Area Table topics competition for Toastmasters to come 3rd. In the coming week I am looking forward to having some me time as life has been very busy lately.
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