Share Your World – 2015 Week 37

If you could have three wishes granted for you alone, what would they be?

I would love to have a week’s writing and tuition in Tuscany, Italy.

I would love to have someone take over the final editing of my book and let me know that it is ready.

My last wish would be to win lotto so I could stop working, slow down my pace of life and move to the country.

What is the most incredible natural venue that you’ve ever seen in person?

I love the Blue Mountains, Australia and Niagara Falls, Canada.

Blue Mountains Australia


Niagara Falls

Is your hair short (total neck and ear showing), medium (covering ears and neck), long (below shoulders) or extra-long (at least halfway down your back)?

My hair is medium length. Basically it won’t grow past a certain point. If is is not cut it grows outwards and gets more frizzy.

List some of your favorite blogs.

I have many favourite blogs so here are just a few.




Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

This week I am grateful the difficult times of the last few weeks are over and improving. This week I am looking forward to getting back to working on my book and my blog.

Keep Believing

What is the one thing at which you are the most afraid of failing?

In general I look at life through positive thoughts so I don’t think about failing.  I believe in myself and my ability to cope with what life throws my way. If something doesn’t work out the way I planned I look for the lesson for it, make a new plan and move forward. I believe focusing on failure and what I can’t do doesn’t help and fogs up my view of my reality.

This week many things that I couldn’t control came into my life and I was reminded of the above inspirational tweet. It would have been easy for me to focus on the negative aspects however, as challenging as this was, I continued to focus on the positive and believe everything would work out. I focused on what I could do.

To succeed at not letting what I couldn’t do interfere with what I needed to I acknowledged my fears, feelings and frustrations. These were the basis of the negative things that could happen and because I am a big picture person I made a small plan—just in case. That done with support from those around me I focused on the positive. I kept believing that everything would work out.

Now as I start a new week I am grateful that things are moving forward in the right direction and non of my fears transpired. In hindsight, I am happy my mindfulness and positive thinking worked out and should a similar situation happen again, I will again follow John Wooden’s advice.

If you find yourself  focusing on what you can’t do, take a moment believe in what you can do and see where it leads you.