L – Lithgow Small Arms Factory


Opened in 1912 the Lithgow Small Arms Factory was Australia’s first precision mass production factory. The Small Arms Factory was commissioned out of a need to make sure Australia was safe from invasion. Little did they know that world war would break out in two years creating a major demand for their product—Short Magazine Lee Enfield Rifles for the Australian military.

Building the Small Arms Factory at Lithgow changed the lives of the town and many people as it brought employment and housing to the area. I was excited to visit this factory as my father had only recently told me that my grandfather had found employment there when he was a boy. Despite the family connection, it was not until I spent a morning in their fascinating museum that I realised the true important of Lithgow’s Small Arms Factory on Australia’s history. The museum built on the site of the original factory is manned by very knowledgeable volunteers—many of whom had previously worked in the factory and had many interesting  stories to tell. We got lucky because it was a quiet morning the volunteers were happy to chat for half an hour and I was grateful to get some insight into my grandfathers life.

Between the wars the Lithgow Small Arms Factory produced an incredible array of commercial products and in their spare time worked on inventing new technologies and devices.


Have you ever had a mentor? What was the greatest lesson you learned from him or her?

Make the most of every opportunity—the good, the bad and the ugly

Educate yourself and experiment

Nobody is an instant expert

Trial and error allows you to understand the process

Open up and attempt new things

Respect everyone and the job they do

Instructions need to be understood—keep asking for clarification until you get them

Nutrition, nurture and nature—access them daily

Goal setting is essential—not an optional extra


K – Kangaroos #A – Z Challenge

Kangaroos are unique Australian animals people everywhere fall in love with. They are cute particularly the young ones. Wrestling is a natural instinct to kangaroos and I have seen many an unsuspecting visitor get caught off-guard as the kangaroo they were just feeding, decides to practice their boxing skills on them. The kangaroo photos below of a friendly pet kangaroo were taken in a restaurant and animal sanctuary.

In non city areas kangaroos are sometimes in plague proportions and they can be very dangerous hopping across highways and roads. Kangaroos are the most common animal to be hit with over 7,000 accidents being caused by them each year. The most dangerous time is sunrise and sunset as they are out and about looking for food. The two video give different insights into kangaroos behaviours, habits and how they live in our big wide country.

Dealing With Anger

Tell us about a time when you flew into a rage. What is it that made you so incredibly angry?

I don’t fly into rages. Yes I get angry—but I deal with it quickly stopping it developing further along its continuum and having a greater impact on my life.

The anger continuum has 3 points:


I put out spot fires of anger, stopping them becoming bush fires of rage or mega wild fires of fury. The further down the continuum you go, the more out of control the emotion and the more damage you are likely to do to yourself or others.

Anger is a valid, strong emotion. It comes about when we feel personally wronged or attacked. By acknowledging what I am angry about, I can decide what I need to do about it. My response usually comes in one of the following ways:

  • Acknowledging that I have a right to be angry about it and that I was hurt—no further action required.
  • Taking some deep breath, listening to my favourite loud music and just chilling for a moment. Pink’s music works well here.
  • Ventilating my anger in a healthy way e.g kick a ball around, journal my feelings or  just yell for a minute of too.
  •  Responding to my anger and speaking to the person involved. To do this I would make a time to discuss the matter with the person I am angry with.  I let them know why I am angry using ‘I’ statements. I am entitled to be angry and they don’t get to tell me I shouldn’t be angry—they also cannot take my feeling away. However, by talking about it with the person concerned, together we open the lines of communication and make a plan to get to the bottom of the issue. Being heard by the other person helps me feel validated and allows me to let it go.
  • My last option is to discuss it with a friend/mental health work colleague. This gives  me closure and helps me see the situation through the other persons eyes. Many people may use therapy to help with this stage.

I grew up with and still where possible follow the biblical quote on this topic— Ephesians 4:26 “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger”— as failing to do so has a great impact on one’s mental health.


J- John Denver #A -Z Challenge

John Denver was one of my favourite artists growing up. This love of his music has transpired into many memories for me. Annie’s song written for his first wife was special to me. It was our bridal waltz and every time we hear it—we smile.

Take Me Home Country Roads is a song I can remember singing in the 70’s in front of the school assembly. I have always connected with the words and one day I hope to go to West Virginia—the inspiration for the song.

Thank God I’m a Country Boy and Grandma’s Feather Bed for some reason were regularly played on ski trips in the early 80’s. I have many a clear memory of tapping my skis to these tunes as they were belted out across the mountains as we waited in line for the chair lift.

Unfortunately in 1997 six weeks after the world lost Princess Diana—we also lost John Denver. It was a very sad time. Thanks for the memories and inspiration John—we will never forget you as long as your music lives on.

Eclectic Corner: Edge

The scariest edge I have been on is in the Taihang Mountains in Central China. We were visiting the Guoliang Tunnel—hand made over  5 years by 13 men to connect the village of Guoliang to the outside world. Prior to this they were living on the edge with only a sky ladder to physically take every thing up.  The tunnel itself is described as one of the scariest roads in the world and the video shows why. You can see the edge at every twist and turn.



China 1-9-13 G Tunnel 210




I – Inukshuk #A – Z Challenge

An inukshuk is a human-shaped man-made stone landmark built by the Inuit people of the Artic region. Traditionally they are built to assure the newcomer to the area that they are on the right path and point to good local hunting places or other food sources.

Inukshuks are made by using whatever rocks or stones are around and balancing them on top of each other in the traditional shape of a human with one arm longer and pointing in the direction  needed.

All inukshuks are unique.

Last month my husband and I were surprised to find an inukshuk made in the creek at Minyon Falls. He was special and brought a smile to our faces as we remembered our recent trip to Canada.


#A-Z Challenge


H – Home #A – Z Challenge

Today I am combing Poetry 101 Rehab: Home with H in A – Z April Blogging Challenge. My two choices this week are:


Home is more than bricks and mortar

Opening doors to many

Memories, mistakes and special moments

Especially keeping us safe and secure


My home is my castle, it

reflects my personality and

doesn’t fit a mould.

There are certain things always

travelling with me wherever I

make my new home.


#A-Z Challenge

Share Your World – 2015 Week 14

What type of music relaxes you the most or do you prefer silence?

I love silence. Working in mental health I spend most of each day talking so the days  I come home to no one and can control the noise even for 15 minutes are a blessing.

Show us a two of your favorites photographs?  Explain why they are your favorite.   If you are not a photographer, think of a two favorite scenes in your life and tell us about them. 


I love this photo I took on a moving dog sled ride in Canada last year. It shows the beauty of the area and the action of the dogs as they excitedly pull our sled.

My second choice today is in contrast—it is taken on Hyam’s Beach on my birthday last year. It too was a peaceful way to spend time with nature.

012 - birthday girl getting wet feet


What is your favorite tradition? (family tradition, church tradition, whatever)

My extended family has a colour theme for Christmas every year. It is voted in by all members of the family—there are over 30 and once the colour is chosen everyone dresses in the  colour theme. No excuses.  My sister who is queen of Christmas baubles, decorates her house in the colour theme matched with contrasting silver or gold. It is a great day and some of the clothing is outstanding. This years theme is berry—any colour you can find in a berry is allowed. The photos below are from our – 50 shades of red theme – a few years ago.


If you could go back and talk to yourself at age 18 what advice would you give yourself?  Or if you are younger than 25 what words of wisdom would you like to tell yourself at age 50?

Follow your gut instincts and believe in yourself. You know what to do and your life will be a success. Accept who you are and don’t worry about if you are going to be popular or not. Your unique personality makes you popular where it counts and the rest is often fake and doesn’t matter.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week I was grateful for the inspiration on ways to move my chapters around and make them flow better.

Next week I am looking for ward to remembering 100 years of the ANZACS on Saturday.


G – Goanna #A-Z Challenge

Last month while on a road trip around northern New South Wales I saw a goanna in the wild for the first time. My husband and I had pulled into the car park at Minyon Falls when I excitedly noticed the large goanna in the middle of the picnic area. She appeared to be pregnant and was not disturbed at all by the people keeping their distance and taking her photo.  It was a great experience to see such a beautiful creature in her natural environment. We were actually doubly blessed that day as we saw a smaller goanna on the path back from the falls however this one was nervous and scurried into the bush at the sight of people.

Goannas are the common name for Australia’s monitor lizards. There are about 25 species in Australia. Ours was a Lace Monitor, the second largest species growing up to 2 metres— the size of ours.


  • are predators
  • can run fast over short distances
  • have loose skin round their neck
  • have sharp teeth and long claws
  • can climb trees fast
  • range in size from 20 cms to 2.5 metres
  • are dark in colour
  • lay eggs
  • have oral venom glands
  • have mistaken humans as trees and run up them when under threat
  • are protected in Australia except indigenous people who have traditionally hunted them

The true irony of us finding—Joanna the Goanna—was only the day before friends of ours were telling us about a showdown in their back garden between a snake and a goanna. Result goanna 1 snake 0. Now we understand why. The snake wouldn’t have had a chance.