Write the blurb for the book jacket of the book you’d write, if only you had the time and inclination.
This prompt is great for me. I am currently in the final editing stage of my book—Inspiring Hope: How Eating Disorder Recovery Is Possible, which I plan to self-publish by the end of this year. It has been an amazing journey and I have learnt a lot. As this is my first book jacket I am interested in people’s ideas about how it can be improved. I look forward to your insight.

Do you or someone you know have and eating disorder?
Are you confused by them or how to get help?
Have you lost hope that this monster—your eating disorder can be defeated?
You are not alone
Eating disorders are physical and psychological disorders that defy logic and their harrowing effects impact over one million Australians, their families and the economy.
Inspiring Hope is a concise, comprehensive punchy guide that men and women of all ages find engaging. Written by a specialist eating disorder nurse with many years experience, supporting and guiding those in the recovery maze. This book describes life living with an eating disorder and gives expert insights into eating disorder recovery. Full of practical strategies, Inspiring Hope helps individuals recover and assists loved ones with the best ways to offer support and how not to.
Empowering individuals to take responsibility for their life and to learn how their choices affect their eating disorder, Inspiring Hope demonstrates the steps—forwards and backwards—along their recovery journey. By revealing the mysteries involved in recovery, Inspiring Hope gives hope that recovery is possible.
Quotes from those living with an eating disorder throughout, bring this book to life and encourage readers to start or get back on track with their recovery journey because their spark of hope is ignited.
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