Take the first sentence from your favorite book and make it the first sentence of your post.
“What are you supposed to be doing with your life?”
And the answer is?
It’s your choice. Nobody can tell us what we should be doing with our life. I also believe that the goal posts are constantly changes—there is no right or wrong answer.
Decide what you want and make a plan for your life. Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle—a blank canvas that slowly and with consideration comes together.
Start by focusing on one or two areas. Every positive change makes a difference. Over time you can look back on your journey and notice how far you have come. At times, you may choose the wrong pieces to go together. Don’t beat yourself up. Take out the wrong piece, make another choice and keep going. Every choice empowers you.
Completing a jigsaw puzzle, like planning your life can be frustrating. There is no quick fix and even the simple ones take time. The more complicated the puzzle or life plan, the more time it takes. Your options when completing your puzzle are:
- The more you focus on the job, the quicker it comes together.
- There is a greater chance of someone or something messing up your work when you are not focusing on it.
- If you leave it and get distracted, nothing changes.
- It is important to remember that the more people who help you complete your puzzle or support your journey—the quicker and with less frustration, it is completed.