You wake up one morning to find a beautifully wrapped package next to your bed. Attached to it is a note: “Open me, if you dare.” What’s inside the mystery box? Do you open it?

Today is Christmas day. However, as I am travelling I wasn’t expecting Santa to drop by. Then suddenly I noticed a beautifully wrapped gift at the end of my bed this morning.
Imagine my surprise. Being a positive, glass half full type of girl, of course, I was going to open it. I believe everything happens for a reason. But, what could be in my gift? I had no idea. So, I decided I would put myself out of my misery and just open it.
Or so I thought.
The problem. It was very well wrapped. Each layer was individually wrapped with instructions or a quote like in pass the parcel (the children’s game).
The first layer said “Always remember. You can do it”.
Yes. This is something I am working on.
The second layer said “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”.
I was suddenly beginning to understand. Often, I didn’t know how I could get through a situation. But when I had no choice, I always came through with flying colours, by following my gut instinct.
The third layer and the toughest to get to said, “Change your attitude. Think of difficult situations as opportunities to take up a challenge, not obligations to be met”
Now I was excited. With these reminders my self-belief will improve greatly. Giving me more potential to make my dream of becoming a published author in 2015, a reality.
What a timely gift. I am glad I dared to open it.
Thanks. I am grateful.
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