What’s the best present you’ve ever received that was handmade by the giver, not store-bought? Tell us what made it so special.
I love hand made gifts. They take time as well as thought and make me feel special. Over the years, I have received many and cannot judge any one as better than another. I love them all. Each had specific meaning to me and I struggle to be able to throw them out—even the paper crane a patient made for me with the words tough love and smiley faces remains at my desk—energising me when work is difficult.
These two vases are an example of my hand gifts. The pottery one was designed and thrown especially for me during a friends pottery class. The second was hand painted by my sister-in-law for my 40th birthday.

My father has made me many presents—recreating ideas he sees and crafting them in wood or metal. I was the only child I knew growing up who had a wooden skateboard with her name etched into it. I still own it but I no longer ride it.
Thanks to anyone and everyone who have ever given me a hand made gift—including food. It makes me feel special and is appreciated.
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