If you could slow down an action that usually zooms by, or speed up an event that normally drags on, which would you choose, and why?
Paperwork is the bane of my life. Home, work and play—they all involve what appears to be mountains of paperwork. Just when I think I have contained one of these paperwork events, another one, even bigger arrives to take its place.
In a perfect world, I would find a way to speed up paperwork in my life. It’s not always about being organised—it is the amount of it. Documentation is the focus of the world. Documentation equals paperwork—so there is no getting out of it.
I would love to have a system to speed up this process. Usually—the busier my day, the crazier my desk. This doesn’t help anyone, especially me. I need my paperwork to be contained. Maybe a magic button on the wall stating—DO PAPERWORK NOW—would do the trick. Press the button and it is done for you. However, until someone invents such an amazing concept, I will continue to work on systems to make my paperwork at least easier to manage.
How do you manage the mountains of paperwork in your life?