Share Your World – 2014 Week 42

What would be your preference, awake before dawn or awake before noon?

I wake around dawn most days to get to work on time. I needed to get up even earlier this week to take my daughter to work and it reminded me of how much work you can get done early in the day. Staying in bed until noon would waste so much of my time these days. I am sure when I was younger, I would have given you a different answer.

If you could choose between wisdom and luck, which would you pick?

Wisdom can change your world and help you achieve your goals. I believe that many people interpret good use of wisdom as luck. From my experience—very few things rely on luck—usually they appear to be luck but they are actually the culmination of planning and positive thinking. Without wisdom—even the winning the lottery type of luck is short lived.

If you were given the opportunity for free sky diving lessons would you take them? Why or why not?

Yes. I have wanted to sky dive for many years now. I think it would be an exhilarating feeling. However, if I had to do it alone my answer would be, no. My jump would need to be a tandem jump—so someone experienced was in control.

Is the glass half empty or half full. What is in the glass?

I am a positive person so my glass is always half full. Even in difficult times, I will focus on what I do have rather than what I don’t have. My glass is of course filled with a very expensive French Champagne to celebrate the joy in my life.


Photo credit: Google Images

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week I arranged to self-publish my book with Balboa Press. This takes even closer to being a published author in 2015. Exciting and scary. I did have a little glass of champagne to celebrate.

Masks Off

We’re less than a week away from Halloween! If you had to design a costume that channeled your true, innermost self, what would that costume look like? Would you dare to wear it?

Although Halloween celebrations are not big in Australia,  I do enjoy dressing up in fancy dress costume.  Wearing masks however—are not my thing. I find them restrictive and controlling. Neither which fit my personality. I chose my costume to be something that works for the occasion—with my open face plus or minus makeup.

On a day to day basis, I believe I channel my true self—in person as well as in my writing. Being genuine to who I am is important to me and constancy is the key. I am an honest, considerate person who loves teaching, nurturing and supporting others to grow. I also believe that it is important for me to do this for myself—to lead by example. I am aware of my limitations, but am happy to push myself beyond my comfort zone. If necessary, my personality allows deal with difficult situations to achieve the best outcomes.

Depending on how make-up is applied, it can be a mask, hiding someones real personality.  Not all heavily applied make-up is a mask but, for some people it is. At times, this can be a very effective tool. However, used all the time masks can stunt your personal growth, as they stop you and others from connecting to the real you. Naturally applied make-up can be our friend. It isn’t a mask and doesn’t stop our personality coming through—hides our worse and highlights our best features—making us shine.