Upon entering the room you could feel it, the energy of 500 aspiring to be or already published authors, was palpable. Over the weekend I attended the Hay House Australia’s Writers Workshop. This year was the first time this workshop was held over two days in Australia and every minute was filled with inspiration.The shared passion for writing joined everyone together and made it easy to connect with people.
Meeting and hearing the stories of everyday names from Hay House, some via video link— Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue, Reid Tracey and Leon Nacson who facilitated the weekend, was an experience and very empowering. There were people present from all states and territories in Australia, as well as the United States, France, Italy, South Africa, Brazil, New Zealand, Canada and Sweden.

Reid Tracey and Leon Nacson
The workshop’s practical approach to the good, the bad and the ugly of the publishing industry was refreshing and allowed us to realise it is up to us to ensure our goals are achieved. The following messages are my take away from the workshop:
1. Platform, platform, platform.
2. What message do you need to get out.
3. The book you write should change your life.
4. Write everyday—don’t wait until you are in the mood, snatch every 5 minutes you can to write.
5. Get a team around you to support your creativity.
6. Know your audience and give them what they want more of.
7. Connect with your tribe.
8. Just publishing your book doesn’t develop an audience—you are your own publicity officer.
9. If it is going to be, it is up to me—you are responsible for your own destiny. Don’t wait for somebody else to do it for you.
10. Remember your words could be the pivot that changes someones life.
11. Believe in yourself and your book.
12. The hardest part of publication is getting someone to read your book. I actually agree with this as I had the same problem when giving out my trial books for feedback.
13. Discover what is burning in your heart to write and change direction if necessary.
14. Write not to be misunderstood. This was part of my early learning when writing my book. When I counsel people I can tell if they are confused and need more explaination however, with a book you don’t have this luxury so you must get it right the first time.
15. Write for your heart not your wallet.
16. Develop your own unique voice.
17. Everyone’s journey is different and there is no direct route to success.
18. You never know where your life will take your work—be prepared to change plans.
19. Own your work and go with it.
20. Be excited by the writing and publishing process—watch it change you as you grow on your journey.
21. You are your own brand. Use your own name to market yourself. Then if what you write changes over time, your audience will go with you.
22. Join a mastermind group to help keep your focus on success.
23. Create mini deadlines for yourself.
24. The reason people are going to buy your book is because of you.
25. Self publishing your book still make you an expert in your field. They don’t need to be traditionally published.
26. Understand the need to commit to to your book.
27. Simplify your knowledge and talk about your book whenever possible.
28. Understand the gift of education and teaching.
29.Work with my vulnerability in the online arena compared to the security of my hospital job.
30. Have a strong purpose.
Thanks Hay House for the weekend and my show bag.